Chapter 25

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Laura POV
Oh know what have I done, we had just sorted out some issues and I've just ruined whatever we had.

"No Ross wait" I'd calmed down my tone and myself as well.

"Why so you can yell at me for something I didn't do no thanks Laura" he said bitterly.

"But Ross."

"No just save it" he said walking out with a few of my things.

"What are you doing?" I shouted.

"Going back to my house" he shouted back never looking back to me.

I sighed then got the rest of my things in a box, well what I had left of my things. Then said goodbye to what was my house. I let a tear and started to walk back to the Lynch's place when it started to pour it down with rain.

"Thank you because I really need rain right now" I shouted to the sky as I caries on walking, the rain got harder and it was even harder to see where I was going. Finally I found my way there and I knocked on the door when Ross answered.

Ross POV
"Hey" she said walking inside up to our room. I said nothing but I followed her up there.

As I entered I saw her shivering like mad then she ran to the bathroom.

"Laura" I whispered to her and grabbed her hair out of her face. "Are you okay?" I feel like such a jerk for making her walk home in the rain, now she's sick. I sat down beside her after putting her hair into a messy bun then I rubbed her back. She just leant on the toilet and she was pale so pale she looked like snow.

"Urgh" she said rubbing her eyes and then leaning back to the toilet.

"I'm so sorry Laura I shouldn't have let you walk home, I'm such a jerk" I said.

"You are a jerk but I deserved what I go-" she went to finish but puked again.

"Come here" I said helping her up and taking her to bed."okay sit there whilst I go get us some teas and a movie to watch" I said running out the door and returning in a matter of seconds with two cups of tea and the film 'warm bodies'.

"Here we are" I said sitting down on bed with Laura. "Come here a second" I told Laura to sit up so I could feel her head.

"Oh my gosh Laura your burning up maybe you should rest and I'll get you a cold flannel" I said going to the bathroom then coming back.

"So much for a movie and cuddling" I frowned as said to myself.

"I'm still awake" she said.

"Oh haha!" I laughed. "So how you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm feeling better but I just want my mum right now" she said with a frown and tear threatened her eyes.

"Would you like to talk or whatever to my mum?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I'd like that" she said. So we walked downstairs to see my mum on the couch watching TV.

"Hey mum" I said giving her a hug. Laura just ran over to her and began to cry.

"No sweetie don't, what's up?" My mum asked Laura.

"I miss my mum, she would always comfort me when I'm ill or sad" she said as she sobbed into my mums shoulder I just stood the awkwardly I didn't know what to do.

"Oh sweetie you can always come talk to me or Ross I'm sure he would be happy to take care of you, how about you get some rest before tomorrow as we pack and then leave, sound good?" My mum said, Laura stood up and nodded and I said goodnight ad then headed for my room.

I walked up behind Laura to hug her wrapping my arms around her waist. "So you still up for that movie?"

"Yes" she said perking up then jumped into bed patting the spot next to her.

The night came around and tiredness took over both of us as we fell asleep in each others arms, nothing could've been better.

I'm sorry that it's been a wait again so busy ATM and sorry the ending sucked but I'm gonna try an get some drama or setting interesting in next, if you have any ideas feel free to leave a comment or message or anything an I may possibly use it! Remember Vote Comment and Stay Rossome!!!!!

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