Chapter 23

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Ross POV
We got upstairs and into my room and Laura was already asleep again, I mean I would've probably been asleep by now if I wasn't curious as to where Laura was.

I decided to take a cool shower as it was almost time to be up for band rehearsals, there really was no point going to bed. It was so relaxing and peaceful until I hear Riker, Rocky Rydel and Ratliff shouting downstairs of who gets what for breakfast, like really why shout in the morning.

I was done in the shower so I wrapped my towel around my waist and I ran into someone it was a blur.

"Oh my gosh I'm really sorry Ross" she said then laughed when she looked down.

"It's cool" I still didn't know what she was laughing at.

"Here" she said handing me my towel, oh my god she's just seen everything, oh dear more awkwardness is thrown into my life.

After than weird encounter, I changed into some normal clothes then headed downstairs to get breakfast before rehearsals.

"Sup guys" I said.

"Hey" like everyone replied.

"Oooh pancakes" I say excitedly.

"No surprise there" Rydel mocked me. I packed my plate fully of them and began to eat.

"Ross I have some news for you" Riker said, I couldn't actually read his expression so I had no idea whether this was going to be a good thing or a bad thing.

"What is it?"

"Laura can come on tour with us!" He said excitedly and my smile grew.

Okay I know this chapter isn't long but I had to get this one in soon so I can start with some more dramatic chapters!!! Vote comment whatever haha!

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