Chapter 11-the new look

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Laura POV

I'm so nervous to go into school looking, well different but maybe Ross is right, maybe it will help with the bullying and beatings.

I put on my new colourful clothes, they are so bright they are possibly beating the sun. Then I pick a pair of wedges which go with my outfit well I think they do anyways, I don't know much about style and fashion but I'm learning. I walk into the bathroom to put in my eye contacts, now that was some fun, I almost dropped them down the sink twice, finally got them in though, then I applied some simple make up . After that trouble I went down to grab some breakfast and relax before walking to school.

Ross POV

I'm not sure what to expect from today, I guess I'm more nervous than anything but I have faith in Laura she's beautiful naturally so there's no reason as to why she couldn't pull this off. I get changed into my norm and grab breakfast whilst heading out of the house. I walk over to Laura's place to pick her up for school this morning, as I approach the house I see her figure through the window. I knocked on her door and the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on greeted me. Laura looks stunning. I stood there with a shocked expression on my face then she started waving in front of me.

"Uh...Ross are you there" she said.

"Yup totally you just look really pretty today" I said lamely.

"Aww that's so sweet of you" she said and smiled.

" shall we get going then" I stuttered .

"Yeah" she said excitedly.

I've never met any girl that is so damn pretty and smart at the same time, okay sure they have common sense or are kinda smart but I mean super smart and extraordinarily beautiful.

We walk up to the front gate of the school and already she's turning heads.

"See Laur I told you it would work" I whispered in her ear

"I don't like all this attention Ross, what if I embarrass myself?" She asked

"You won't, you'll be fine Laur" I said and we carried on walking when one of my old mates comes up to her.

"Sup, girl you are smokin', you new here?" He asked I already didn't like this.

"No I'm not new and thanks" she said a bit weirded out.

"Come on let's go Laura" I said and more guys got around her and I was pushed to the back.

Laura POV

Wow all this attention, I'm not really sure if I like it but the boys seem to like my new look but have no clue who I am though.

Ross said 'lets go' and then all the guys surrounded me. I hated this I only wanted to hang with Ross he wasn't one of the ones that kept beating me up he tried to help.

I shouted to him "Ross" and his head jerked up.

"I can't get to you" he replied.

"Okay guys move" I said pushing them one by one out my way to get to Ross. As soon at I got to Ross I just hugged him and he squeezed me tight, I felt so safe in his warm embrace I didn't want it to end.

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