Epilogue-The End

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Laura POV

It's been a few years since high school, Ross and I of course we got back together, it's been hard we've hit a few bumps in the road but I mean that's what a relationship is about right?

But I can honestly say that these past few years have been the best yet...Ross had recovered fine, he sometimes gets a nightmare or two, every now and then about what happened but he's fine when he realised that its in the past and was just a dream.

I really can't even begin to tell you guys how much I really love Ross, he's so sweet, caring, romantic, I regret what happened in high school I just felt like it was the best for me, I regret it everyday seeing the scars on Ross's arms, I relive that moment, that point when I broke and I knew that Ross was my other half, my soul mate.

Ross POV

What a ride this relationship has been but I wouldn't change it for the world, I may have been a complete jerk but I'm so glad Laura and I are together I couldn't imagine living another day without her support, her comfort, her love and of course just her, as she is.

Looking back I guess I am glad for everything that happened because it's all led to this moment in my life where I am with Laura with no problems to face, my love burns bright and out in sight for Laura.

When she told me that she was "completely and deeply in love with me" I couldn't help but smile and I replied.

"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling for you was beyond my control like my love for you is beyond infinite".

Ross and Laura's POV

This has been our story of how we changed the system!

So this is it guys! It's finished and I want to personally thank you all for the votes comments and ideas that carried this story through and I hope you carry on reading my new stories when they are published. I love you all, I'm sad this has come to an end but all stories must end eventually, thank you all again, STAY ROSSOME!!!

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