Chapter 6-just hope she accepts

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Quick note: most of this story will be Ross' point of view just because it fits also thanks to all who read and got me to 600+ views you're awesome!!!! Anyways on with the story.

Ross POV
I couldn't sleep there was so much on my mind, that I just laid there with Laura in my arms, it was nice but I realised after a while of deep thought that I could possibly have feelings for her, one problem I've never told a girl I liked them before, okay, yes it sounds weird but being the most popular guy in school, girls just throw themselves at you.

I couldn't think of anything, so I just decided to get it off of my chest now.

I whispered " okay Laura I know you probably can't hear me right now but I just want to say that, I think, I may have fell in love with you and the more I think about it the more I fall, it's just I'm not good with telling people how I feel about them but you well you're different, you make me a better person, you're so true and closed off sometimes but that's why I love you, you're extremely smart and beautiful and you don't need to do anything to change because you're amazing, you're weird and crazy but that's what makes your awesome personality that more amazing, you are like my other half and without you I don't know what I would possibly do because you complete me, i don't know why I haven't seen this before but...I Love You, Goodnight Laura " I finished speaking and it helped.

Laura POV
Oh my gosh what Ross just said was beautiful, sweet and romantic, I heard the whole thing and now I know that I can trust him that bit more, he's definitely different but I think that's why I like him.

After thinking for a while I must of drifted off to sleep because I woke up with day light shining in my eyes and my school alarm filling the room with noise. I looked down to see Ross' arms wrapped around me and my body perfectly fitting into the shape his body made. I was loving every second of this but we had to get to school and he needs new clothes, so I woke him up.

"Ross" I say softly.

"Yes Laura" he said.

"We got school soon and you gotta get home and go get some clean clothes" I say a bit demanding.

" okay, fine but will I see you at school?" He asked.

", not if you like that little thing you call a reputation to disappear" I say.

"B...but" he stuttered.

"Just go I'll be fine" I said trying to hold back tears.

"You sure?" He questioned.

"Yes I'll be fine" and with that he left you know I'd hope he wouldn't rest with that as a response but he did maybe I just put my expectations too high.

After that I got changed into my geek glasses, well that's what people call them, jeans, t-shirt you know the usual I mean come on its school why dress up fancy?

Ross POV
I ran home as fast as I could, took a shower and put on my usual kinda clothes on, y'know ripped jeans, t-shirt, high-tops, ruffle up my hair and make it messy but cool. I ran out the house to my car and I made sure I was there before Laura was to keep an eye on her. I don't know why but I've become really overprotective with her but if anything else happens to her I can't even imagine what I'd feel.

Because Laura told me not to see her through the school day I decided to post a little note in her locker that read:
Hey Laur wassup? I want to do something with you this afternoon so, meet me by the front entrance to school after school ends, I'll meet you there!!! It's a surprise so don't ask questions and I'm not going to hurt or pull a joke on you either.

-Ross xoxo

Now lets hope she accepts.

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