Chapter 22

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Laura POV
What just happened, I thought to myself.

"Ross wait" I said.

"What Laura" he sounded frustrated and I can see why.

"Nothing" I replied I just I don't know what to do.

Ross ran upstairs to our room, oh that awkward we have to share a bed and he hates me. Oh this is going to be fun. I went up to the bathroom to have a shower, when the door opened. I screamed.

"Ahh! Whoever it is get out" I shouted covering my body.

"Sorry" a saddened voice said and the door closed. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, whilst I walked to Ross' room I thought of what I could say to him, but still nothing. He was just laying there flicking through his phone.

"Hey Ross" I said hopefully, I really did hope he'd reply.

Nothing. Not one word.

"Are you really going to ignore me?" I asked, it did look like he was then he glanced at me from his phone.

"Yea Laura" he said impatiently.

"What is your problem?"I said.

"That you don't love me, I really thought you liked me" he spilled out.

"I do like you Ross, it's just everyone I've ever loved have left me whichever way possible" I said and my voice cracked. "But it's hard to say it now I just need time, I do like you of course I do, plus can you blame me I mean what did you used to do to me? I still have trust issues, I just need time okay Ross, I want to be with you but if you don't like that then I guess this won't work" I said.

"Can I have time to think" he said.

"Of course" I said, I didn't really want him to reconsider anything I wanted him to love me for me.

Ross POV
I don't know what to do, I love her but I'm not sure she loves me. I just need some time to think. I was tired and frankly confused so I went to bed, it was only like 7:00pm but I'd lost my appetite and I was tired. I climbed into bed.

Urgh it's like 2am in the morning and I can't sleep and also where's Laura? She hasn't come to bed yet.

I decided to look around the house for her. I slowly crept down the stairs in the sitting room where I see her on the couch.

"Psst Laura" I whispered.

"What" she said with her eyes closed and still half asleep.

"What are you doing down here?" I asked.

"I'm here because you wouldn't have liked me sleeping with you" she replied.

"I wouldn't care if you were in my bed, I would rather you have somewhere comfortable to sleep than on the couch" I whispered again.

"I'm fine Ross" she said.

"No you're coming upstairs" I argued.

"Seriously I'm good here just leave me to sleep" she whisper yelled.

"Sorry no can do" I said then picking her up bridal style and went to walk up stairs when she snuggled into my chest, she have me this amazing feeling just the and I realised I couldn't let her go, not now, not ever.

Okay there will be another chapter tonight because I don't know when I may be able to update again let me know what you think vote comment whatever tell me ideas if you have any and yeah hope you like my story so far :) Stay Rossome!!!

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