Chapter 35

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Laura's POV

It was an early Saturday morning and as usual I was on the bus sipping a mug of tea while the everyone else was asleep. As I relaxed in the serenity of my own little world, my own bubble perhaps, my phone began ringing loudly. Quickly answering, I set down my tea on the counter and went outside. Naturally, I had been expecting it to be a stupid company or something (since we had been moving around from country to country) but was surprised to see a number I vaguely recognised
"Hello?" I asked sleepily
"Uh, hi! Is that Laura?" Said a deep voice from the other end
"Yeah it something wrong?"
"Well, you could say that I suppose. I regret to inform you Madame but your daughter, Charlotte, has died alongside her foster family in a terrible accident". Shit. This could not be happening right now! Not when my life is finally getting on track and now that stupid mistake has ruined it! It sounds strange, I know, but a few years ago, three years, six months today to be exact, I was going to a family party. I had left something at home and thought I would take a shortcut back through the alley. That was when he arrived. I don't remember his face but his voice still haunts my nightmares. He did things to me no woman or man should have to go through. I got pregnant but couldn't get an abortion, it wouldn't be right, so I had Charlotte and the next day have her away. It was a mistake! A mistake I knew I could never forget or fix! I knew it would come back to destroy all I had left! And what will Ross think? Oh, I can't tell him. He will think I'm a freak, a prostitute and wrong....
"Uh hello? Laura?" Said the guy
"Oh-uh-yeah-s-s-sorry" I stuttered
"Is there anything I can do?" He asked quietly
"N-no no, I-it's fine just tell h-her family I'm s-s-sorry..." I hung up then broke down. With my heart beating faster I ran back inside. I was doing fine and was almost in my room when I ran into something, or someone as it appeared
"Hey babe - are you alright? Oh god your crying what's wrong? Tell me Laura, it's alright, please don't cry" said Ross sweetly. He lead me to his room and let me sit down to cry in his arms. When the sobs had slowed down to small sniffles he shyly smiled at me
"Laura? What's wrong?" He asked softly
"Um well I er" I hesitated but began to break down again "it's Charlotte, she's DEAD!" I screamed
"Ugh who's Charlotte?"
"M-m-my daughter..." I sighed. He inhaled sharply and I closed my eyes tightly. This was the moment, the moment he left. Chucked me off the bus and told me to get the hell out of his life! He wouldn't want a freak like me around him
"I'll go and pack my bags" I whispered getting up. As I went to leave he grabbed my hand and pulled me down, kissing my lips softly. He pulled back looking me straight in the eyes
"I know it's going to be hard, but trust me I promised you I wouldn't leave and I won't break that promise. I don't care what happened but I'll find whoever did this and put them through the same pain as they have to you" he whispered forcefully "I love you Laura no matter what" and with that he kissed me again but this time quickly and passionately. Least to say things started getting a little heated to say that, but I couldn't go through with it. Not today anyway so I pulled back and looked sadly at Ross
"I'll wait until you're ready, even if it means waiting 100 years. I'll wait."

This was written by KaltEFlOrAsTyLiNSoN and so yeah make sure if you like it comment, vote and give her a follow you can find her in my followers! 70k + like wow guys I thank all of you so much for this and forever will be grateful stay Rossome!!!!

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