Chapter 17

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Laura POV
The sun blazed through my curtains and woke me, I got up and walked to the curtains and pulled them open, it was such a beautiful day but it was extra beautiful because today's the day I go on a date with Ross. Im actually quite nervous I mean what if it's awkward, what if I embarrass myself these were some of the hundreds of thoughts I had in my head. It was 10:30 by the time I came down stairs, so I got some breakfast then headed shopping.

I got to the mall and went into all these different stores until I remembered Ross bought me that beautiful white dress so I decided to stick with it, after that I bought some high heels to go and a few accessories and I was ready to head home. When I got home it was already 4:00 and I decided it was time to get ready.

First I went and washed my hair and put it in a towel. I walked to my room and blow dried it and it fell in to my natural curls so I kept them and I put on some natural make up with some liquid liner and finally my outfit. I looked in the mirror and I finally felt beautiful for once in my life, I felt normal and pretty just like all the other girls in school, I felt exactly how Ross wanted me to feel.

I heard a knocking sound so went down stairs and opened the door to find Ross standing there, he looked so good tonight.

" you look absolutely stunning tonight Laura" he exclaimed.

"Thank you Ross you look very charming yourself" I complimented back.

"Hey is that the dress I bought you to make you feel beautiful?" He asked.

"Yes and believe me I don't just feel beautiful, I feel lucky to be going on a date with you" I said, and he smiled and blushed, he's so adorable when he blushes.

"Here" he said passing me this amazing white rose, so delicate and fragile it was beautiful.

"Shall we?" He asked I nodded and we went. A few minutes later we ended up at a very sophisticated looking restaurant.

"Ma lady" he says opening my door and I step out. We walked in and he gets the table sorted and before I knew it my dish had arrived. We ate, we laugh, we had so much fun.

"It's not over yet" Ross saids as he pays and taking my hand in his and I feel those sparks fly through my body like they've done before.

We arrived at the pier it was about mid night and I have to tell you it was perfect the low tide the setting, everything. We walked and he lead me to the middle of the pier.

"Look down" Ross said, I looked down to see written in the sand 'will you go to prom with me?' As I turn I saw Ross on his knee with another rose but more beautiful than before.

"So...?" He said.

"Of course" I couldn't say no to Ross he's simply amazing.

Ross POV
Yes she's going to prom with me, oh thank you Rydel and Riker.

I decided since the tide was low we could take a stroll in the sea.

"Okay take off your shoes Laura" I said.

"Why" she asked confused.

"Because we are going to walk along the beach" I said she took of fher shoes and I took off mine and we walked in the shallowest part of the sea but all that mattered to me is that we are together.

I couldn't describe this moment with any other word and that was PERFECT!

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