Chapter 21

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Laura POV

Did I really just do that? Oh man that's so awkward but I liked it at the same time, I'm guessing he did too.

"Pssst, Ross you awake?" I whispered.

"Uh y...yeah" he said nervously.

"I can't sleep."

"Why not Laura?" He asked back.

"Well one I'm cold and two your little friend down there is pushing on my leg" I laughed at the last part.

"Oh sorry that's so embarrassing" he said we were in the dark but I knew he was hiding from me now.

"It's okay, do you think maybe you could control yourself" I said jokingly

"I'm sorry but I can't do that" he said.

We laughed. He was just too adorable but he seriously needs a bigger bed.

Ross POV

That's so embarrassing and worst part I can't do anything about it.

"Okay I think we should go to sleep now." I suggested.

"But I'm cold" Laura whined.

"Come here then" I said opening my arms and she snuggled into my body. Finally she was asleep and I was dosing off.

*Next morning*

I was awake before Laura so I slid out the bed and went to the bathroom had a shower. After I got changed Riker ran to me jumping, he seemed excited.

"Dude what's got you so happy?"

"R5's going on a world tour!!!!" He said with a massive smile on his face while I began to frown, what am I going to do about Laura, I can't leave her alone I said I'd loom after her.

"Dude that's great and all but what about Laura?" I asked.

"Oh we haven't taken that into consideration" he said.

"I can't leave her now you know how much she's been through, is there anyway she can come with us?"

"Hmmm...I don't know I have to ask". He said.

"Thanks" I said running up to my room and jumping on my bed.

"Oh my fu- Ross you freaking frightened me" she said with her hand over her heart.

"Hey to you too beautiful" I said winking.

"What's up Ross then?" She was confused.

"Okay well..." I tried stalling but it doesn't work with those eyes of hers.

"Ross please tell me you know it will be worse if you don't" she said.

"Okay R5aregoingonaworldtouranditmaymeanleavingyou" I spoke so fast she probably didn't hear.

"Uh what Ross?" She asked.

"R5 are going on a world tour and it may mean leaving you" I said so sadly, I didn't want to say it but I may have no choice. She didn't saying anything she just got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I followed her and then she slammed the door in my face.

"Laura come on if I could not go I would choose that" all I heard were sobs coming from the bathroom. I slid down the door sitting on the floor.

"Come on Laura there's still a chance that you can come with us" the door I locked, yes!

"So I may be able to come with you guys?" She sniffed.

"Yes but Riker has to ask first" I explained.

"You know I wouldn't leave you if I had the choice Laura, I love you and it's hard to leave someone you love" I said.

"Aww Ross I...I lo..I'm sorry" she ran down the stairs and out into the back garden by the pool.

"Laura!" I shouted running down the stairs after her.

"Woah slow down Ross" My mum says as I knock her by accident.

"Sorry" I shout back.

I slow down walking and sitting by her.

"What happened there?" I asked confused.

"I can't do it Ross" she sniffed.

"Do what?" I asked.

"I can't tell you, that I lo- see I can't tell you I'm so sorry" she cried into her hands.

"Do you not love me?" I asked I really thought she did but I guess not.

"No, I mean yes, I mean I don't know what I feel for you yet, you know it's hard for me to open up, you give me a good feelings when I'm with you and you make me feel so special, I just need time Ross you gotta understand that and respect it" she said looking away from me, I really don know what to think.

"I...I" was all I could get out before I walked away. I just don't know how to feel right now.


Sorry it's really bad but I had to update date but I have ideas now so I'm back I track. Don't forget to Vote and Comment!

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