Chapter 42

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Ross's POV

The sky was grey. There was no sunshine. No happiness. No love. Nothing worth living for. The county weather was the highest it had ever been but all I felt now was cold. It wrapped around me and pulled away all my happiness. Laura. She was all I could think about. Everyday I walked into the school and saw her gorgeous smile as she laughed and talked with the people around her. She plagued my mind since the day she left me, she plagued my mind today and there is no doubt she will plague my mind until the day I die. Which in my books would not be far away. Again I walked in and glimpsed and the happy girl I once knew. I don't know why I bothered to turn up today, I didn't care. I couldn't bring myself to even try and hurt her, I couldn't do it, it broke me even more when I saw her crying, knowing it was because of me. Over my shoulder I saw a boy saunter towards her
"Hey Laura" he said
"Uh hi?" She hesitated and I smiled knowing she was shy
"So now you and the ape over there are over" I gritted my teeth and opened my locker "Do you want to you know try me and you?"
That was the final straw. Slamming my locker I stormed down the empty
corridor red faced.

~time skip~

The day went agonisingly slow for I knew what awaited me. I wasn't going to football tonight, I'd be on the other side. All day I had been working on a letter for Laura and then I would go to the place where it all began so I can leave. When the final bell rang I closed my locker for the last time and slid down to the floor pulling my razor from my pocket. I had put the letter in Laura's locker on my way here.
* Warning- self harm *
Slowly I dragged the silver metal across my smooth skin. I hissed in pain but then enjoyed the pleasure and relief. Crimson red dropped not the floor around me covering my arm in a blanket of blood. Death was only moments away. More and more cuts were made each one getting deeper and deeper. Each cut was something hurtful I had ever said. The words taunted my mind, told me to keep going. I had to leave to escape these voices in my head. I was doing their bidding as they took over. After an eternity my eyes dropped and I fell to the ground.

Laura's POV

I was in the library catching up on some work. Well I say catching up, more like distracting myself. I haven't stopped thinking about Ross. Today showed me just how much we had moved on. We can't, I know I always said I couldn't live without him, but I never really believed myself until today. I soon realised it was almost five, I needed to go home but I just needed to put my stuff back in my locker. As I opened it up a small piece of paper fell from inside. Picking it up I saw the familiar curvature of Ross's writing. I hastily opened it to find a short letter

Dear Laura
I'm sorry. For all I have put you through and what I would likely to have done. I would have done anything to have you in my arms one more time but you have moved on and left me behind. Tomorrow if I am not there, looking grim as usual do not look for me. If I am not there the next or the next or the next then you must know I am no longer here.
Trust me when I tell you, my darling your smile is as bright as the sun and the moon. Your eyes are stars in the night sky to which I will always look. You are a Mona Lisa, a diamond and beauty and I was a beast. It may sound cliche but you were my one, my love and my everything. You raised me up so I could stand on mountains (as the great Westlife said). When I fell in love with you, I fell in love with all of you. I loved your nose, your mouth and no offence but all points south. I'll see when you join me one day
Yours forever

I dropped the letter and ran. I had no idea where but I had to find him, to stop him. On the ground all I saw was red, blood red. I followed it to him. He laid there on the ground eyes closed and chest barely moving and yet I could not move. I was frozen until I heard a final breath whisper from his lips to my ears
"ROSS" I screamed. Blood curdling screams that echoed through the halls...

Dramatic right? This was written by the incredible writer KaltEFlOrAsTyLiNSoN seriously follow her!! And also thank you to OliviaMichael for helping me with ideas, remember to vote and comment what you think also comment or message me ideas for the next chapter, I'm always open for suggestions or if you want to write a chapter and send it to me I'd be glad to publish it with full credit to you!!!!

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