Chapter 38

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Laura POV

it's been a few months since we started school, it's been fine but i still get snide comments shout to me in class and also in the hall ways, I've been tripped a few times as well but it's nothing compared to what it used to be like. so it had been fine until i got to my history lesson, Ross started to act really weird like he was annoyed at me, i haven't done anything or at least i don't think I have. i tried to talk to him.

"Hey Rossy"I whisper.


"Ross?" I whisper again.

"what slut?" he whisper shouts whilst taking his notes. i was really taken aback by this and what he just said, he's never and i mean never said anything to make me feel so worthless. tears pricked my eyes but I refused to let them fall.

"excuse me" i exclaim to Ross. The whole class and my Teacher Mr Johnson turned to me.

"is there something you would like you share with us Laura" Mr Johnson asks in a very strict manner.

"" I reply.

"well then SHUT UP" he raises his voice at me, not going to lie i was a little scared because no teacher has ever had to raise their voice or tell me off.

i carried on writing notes on American history from the 1930's-2000's and every now and then I would glance at Ross from the corner of my eye, what was he doing I couldn't quite make it out with turning completely. The bell rang and we were dismissed and i made my way to lunch I went to find my new friend, yes that's right Laura Marie Marano made a friend and she didn't just feel sorry for me, we are different but she is so lovely and we do have common interests too which is cool, it feels really cool to have a friend but Ross i can't find him anywhere and I'm starting to get worried.

Ross POV

I can't believe that Laura has been telling people that I cheated on her for attention, why would she even do that it's just inconsiderate and i for one did not cheat on her...actually I kind of did. is that really bad? how did she find out anyway Samantha promised she wouldn't tell. It was the end of history and I was s glad to get away from Laura, so i walked up to Samantha and she gave me a hug. We walked to lunch and i passed Laura we banged into each other as we passed which made her dump her lunch on herself.

"WOW, still a dork" Samantha scoffs.

Laura just stared at me.

"What slut?" I ask her. she just stays silent and walks away from me. i mean that's kinda what I wanted because i don't want to talk to her after she spread that crap about me.

Laura POV

I ran through the hallway and out of the school, I was covered in my lunch and Ross kept calling me a slut, really what was up with him seriously I haven't done anything and already I feel like I'm back to where I was. I didn't care about not being in school anymore, i kept running i had tears in my eyes which blurred my vision, when i came to a halt i wiped my eyes and found myself in a wood that i used to often visit when i was younger, i would just sit there and listen to the different sounds and relax let everything go, it used to be a great place until I was told by my parents that i could no longer visit the woods as it was not safe but right now i did not give a damn about anyone at all, everyone just ends up screwing me over anyways so is there any point really.

after what seemed like a few hours i decided to head back to the Lynches house hold. when i got there I decided to go round the bac and climbed through the window, I packed my things and a few of the things Ross gave me ad walked out and down the street back to my own home where I could be alone and no one could bother me.

I walked into my house that was exactly how i left it a mess after it got broke into, i put my stuff on the table and memories came flooding back some good but mostly bad. I saw my mother slowly dying as her terminal illness slowly took it's course I saw my dad run off without saying goodbye and never came back, the memories of Ross...I broke down into tears and crawled up to my bed to sleep off this whole day but things aren't so easily forgotten as they are said.

I just want to say a massive thank you to you all for all those comments and I will carry on this story as long as I have those few that still like this story. GUYS, I LOVE WHEN YOU COMMENT ON MY STORY WHETHER IT'S SOMETHING TO IMPROVE OR TO SAY YOU LIKE, SERIOUSLY AND IF YOU HAVE AN IDEA COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME IT AS THEY HELP ME DEVELOP MY OWN. STAY ROSSOME GUYS!!!!!!

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