Chapter 29

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Ross POV

"Would you get off me" I shouted at this fan, of course I love my fans but she is getting a bit too close if you get what I mean.

"But I love you" she like screams back.

"Even if I wanted to I have girl-" I cut myself off, I know longer had a girl friend.

"You what?" She questioned my statement.

"Nothing" I plainly said. She pushed me onto the couch holding my hands down with her legs, I couldn't move, okay yes I'm strong but when your arms are restricted by a pair of legs it's quite a struggle to get free. After successfully pinning me down she forcefully started to kiss me.

"Stop" I tried to say.

"Never" she whispered back, that's when I hear footsteps coming closer to us. I see a beautiful far appear around the corner, as the face appears I realise it's Laura and she doesn't look very impressed with me but I'm pretty helpless at the moment, then she just disappears. I hate myself for this but what can I do now, she hates me.

"Get off me now" I pretty much screamed at this fan, I couldn't help it but she's pushed me over the line now. She backed off scared, I didn't want to tell but she wouldn't listen, I showed her out of the door and ran to find Laura but I don't know where she is now.

"Hey Riker, you seen Laura anywhere" I ask. He shook his head no and carried on walking.

"Ratliff, my man, have you seen Laura around?" Again he shook his head no. I don't know where to go its not like we have bedrooms because they're all bunks in one room except for my parents.

"Mum" I said walking over to her then sitting besides her "I have a problem, can you help me?"

"Well I can try sweetie" she replied so sweetly.

"Um...where do I begin" I started off and began to tell her everything from Laura and I breaking up to the fan kissing Laura being somewhere, let's just say it was a lot.

"Oh dear, Ross, you need to tell Laura what actually happened and state your feelings clearly to her whether you love her or just want to be friends you need to make things right before anything else."

"Wow! Thank you mum that's the best thing I've been told and or thought today, love you, now I gotta find Laura" I say.

This is kinda where I'm stuck again because I don't know where she is.

Laura POV

I didn't know what to do but I didn't feel like staying after that episode. We were in Miami anyways so I thought I'd hit the beach and go for a beach walk, clear my mind, forget least try anyways. It's really beautiful out here, the colours of the sky it's a blanket of oranges and pinks whilst the sea is calm and gentle, it's magnificent. As I stroll along taking in this breath taking view I bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" I say out of concern and embarrassment.

"That's alright, a beauty like you shouldn't have to apologise" he said, then I turned and actually looked at him, he was gorgeous.

"Um...thank you" I laughed.

"You have a cute giggle" he says "can I have your number and take you out sometime?" He asks and I nodded yes, I mean who wouldn't, so I wrote my number down and gave it to him.

"Well I'll see you around, beautiful" he kissed my cheek and walked off.

"Woah" I say to myself letting out a big sigh in relief.

I decided to head back to the bus as I wasn't feeling down anymore. As I walk in I get ambushed by all of Ross' siblings.

"Where have you been?" Rocky says.

"Just for a walk along the beach" I reply.

"Why were you so long?" Rydel snoops in with a question.

"Come to the back of the bus and I'll tell you, as for the rest of you guys, please stay here I want to talk to Rydel alone" it was a bit harsh but I don't want any boys interrupting.

We walked to the back of the bus and locked the door.

"So what happen out there?" Rydel asks.

"Well" I giggle " I bumped into this really hot guy down at the beach he asked for my number and to go out sometime so I said sure and I'm so excited for him to call!" I breathed out.

"Woah girl that's a mouthful" she giggled. "When do you think he'll call?" She asks. I shrugged I wasn't sure then my phone started to vibrate on the side.

"Hello"I spoke into the phone.

"Hey gorgeous, I never got your name and I'd like to take you out tomorrow night if you're up for it" he said.

"Well my name is Laura Marano and of course I'll go out with you tomorrow sounds like fun, what's your name?" I ask.

"It's Noah, Noah Hunt" he said.

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow Noah" I say.

"Of course bye Laura see you tomorrow" he said. With that we hung up and I'm super pumped for this date.

It was time for dinner so we all gathered at the table. "Do anything interesting happen today?" Riker asks everyone.

"Yes Laura's got a date with a hot guy tomorrow night" she smiles to everyone.

"Rydel, I wasn't going to tell anyone" I whisper to her.

"Sorry girl but ya know" she whispered back.

"That's great, have a good time" Ross said as his voice cracked.

"Thank you" I replied, with that simple statement from Ross the whole situation got awkward, if this is what it was going to be like maybe I should go back home, I don't know if I can handle being here with it like this for however long their tour is.


Woop woop new chapter, really sorry again but I've had no ideas for ages but I think I've got an idea for a Christmassy one so that Gould be up rather soon, hope you liked this chapter don't forget to Vote Comment and Share this story!!! Thank you all for your super comments love you all!

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