Chapter 44

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Laura POV

I jumped into my car and sped down the road with tears in my eyes, streaming down my cheeks. I know Ross and I are not on good terms but I still care and love him.

It wasn't that long a ride in the car to the closet hospital. I ran straight inside, I don't even think I locked my car...oh well. I ran straight in and asked "where's Ross" and all the receptionist would reply is "calm down, who are you, you can't see him yet" she didn't even tell me his room.

"Please can you tell me where to find him" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry miss but who are you" I knew I wouldn't get to see him if I said I was a friend "I'm his girlfriend please let me see him" I was now crying at this point I may have lied but it worked and got me through. I ran right to his room I didn't even wait for a lift, I sprinted up the stairs. Wow how did I even manage to get up here so quick, I'm so unfit.

I got to his room, I was too afraid to to look in of fear in what I may see.

Ross was laying there lifeless his natural tan was now snow white, pale as you can get, slow, gradual extensions of his chest were visible. I was afraid that those slow rises could just suddenly stop. That's when my whole world would come crashing down.

I was so slow to enter I doubted it many times, I kept thinking 'he's going to hate me, he's not going to want me here, I should leave it's best for all of us if I do. I carried on anyways, my breath was caught in my throat as I held in my breath. I let go of the breath and sat down on the chair besides Ross.

"Oh Ross, i'm so sorry, I didn't mean for anything to go this far, I just hoped things would be better if they went back to what we were before any of this happened." I said exaggerating the this and making hand gestures "I just want you to know that even though you hurt me and broke my heart I can't help but love you anyway, there's something about you, the way you make me feel special, you complete me, it's just hard to trust again once it's been broken, but I do love you and I beg of you, please don't go, don't leave, come back to me" I said to him, I know he couldn't hear me but I gave it my best shot. I rested my head on his bed and sobbed into it quietly. I was crying on and off in that position for a good 15 minutes when I feel a hand gently stroke my brunette locks.

I thought I had imagine it, that I was just delusional but it kept happening. I looked up, a face of pure beauty and forgiveness looked at me and said "hey what's up? Why are you crying?" He sounded like a little kid, it was so cute.

"I wasn't" I said turning away from him an wiping my eyes.

"Come one we're back to this again" he says.

"No. No we're not I don't want to be. Ross you almost killed yourself, why?" I asked.

He shyly looked at me again running his hands through his beautifully soft hair. "I couldn't take it anymore, life without you is a life that's not worth living, Laura you're my whole world, I can't stand a second away from you let alone forever, I just couldn't bare it anymore and it looked like life for you was going great, you had new friends, new guys and I wasn't any of them, I struggled every time I walked in school and seeing you I felt like crap, this whole time I didn't eat anything, I didn't drink or move except for school, I just didn't have anything to live for, of course I have my family but my life without you Laur was unimaginable" he says sniffing and a single tear running down his cheek.

I couldn't reply, I was at loss for words and I didn't expect what I was about to do. I leant in caressed it soft, warm cheek and kissed him with all I had, it was full of passion, want, lust, love, it was slow but hungry and I didn't want to stop.

We pulled away and right there I knew Ross Shor Lynch had captured my heart and no matter how hard I try he would always have it whether I liked it or not.

"Ross..." I said.

"Yeah" he replied.

"I just realised something" I said.

"What's that?" He replies.

"I'm completely and deeply in love with you"


Well...that's it guys. I just want to thank all of my readers for making this story successful and I hope thy you will continue to read my stories, my next one will be an auslly one so if you love raura surely you gotta love auslly! But once again I wanna thank all of you guys I couldn't have done it with out you and I'm sad to bring this to an end but a story can only go on for a certain amount of time before it's just getting dragged out and I felt like it was this books end! I love you all STAY ROSSOME!!!!

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