chapter 18

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Ross Pov

As much a I wanted this moment to last forever, I knew it couldnt. that thought saddened me but I would definitely remember this forvever!

"Hey Laura" I said.

"Yes Ross" she replied.

"I was just wondering if I could get a photo to capture this perfect moment?" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course Ross, you don't need to ask" she laughed, I absolutely loved her smile it was beautiful!

we took the photo and we had to re-take it, I looked so weird because of the concentration of trying to click the button, but we got there in the end.

"I'll keep this forever" I whispered.

"You Ross are definitely the most romantic, sweetest, most adorable guy there is to know" she said.

Wow! that definitely topped off this perfect moment!

Laura started to shiver, I can't blame her it was getting really cold now.

"Do you want to head to my house for a movie or something?" I asked. Seriously Ross that's the best you could do a movie, really.

"Sure sounds like fun, as long as you have snacks i'm there!" she said enthustically. That made me feel good. lets face it anything Laura does makes me feel awesome!

We started to walk home but as I did I felt something clasp my hand, it was Laura, she was holding my hand and my arm leaning on me, I would be lying if I said I wasn't blushing or anything at this point. And her height makes her so adorable leaning only on upper arm instead of shoulder.

We arrived at my house, I stood thinking ' do I really want to take her inside to meet my family?'. I knocked.

"Hello Ross back so soon dear" my mum Stormie said.

"Yeah mum it got a bit cold so I thought we could watch a movie here" I said.

"Well of course dear, where's Laura?" She asked.

Laura was so tiny that she managed to hide behind me, maybe she was nervous.

"Oh there she is" my mum gasped "you should really get in quick if you don't want to be harassed by everyone else" she advised us.

"Okay mum thanks" I said and took Laura's hand and dragged her upstairs to my room.

There is was again that spark tingles feeling.

Laura started to look around my room, she's a curious one I'll give her that.

Laura POV

His room was full of posters to do with this band named 'R5' I wonder if they're a good band. Then I went and say on his bed it was so comfortable. I laid down on it and my eyes were starting to get heavy, the next thing I know I'm being shaken.

"Laur, laur, laura" he shouted the last part.

"Uh...yeah" I said tiredly.

"Do you wanna stay the night you look awfully tired?" He asked me.

"Um yeah if it's okay with you and your parents.

"Mum" Ross shouted.

"Yes Ross" she replied.

"Can Laura sleep tonight?" He asked.

"Yes as long as it's okay with her parents sure". He turned to me and I couldn't help but cry.

Ross POV

I could tell that as soon as Laura heard that, that it would make her feel like she wanted to cry so I went over to her and hug her and be that shoulder to cry on.

"Shhh" I tried to calm her down. She started to breath very fast and couldn't catch her breath I started to panic.

" Laura breath slowly calm down" I tried to tell her.

"Mum" I shouted again.

"What now Ross" she sounded fed up of me yelling but I had to.

"I think Laura is having a panic attack she can't calm her breathing" I said. My mum ran up stairs to see Laura into arms breathing very fast but not enough to breath but enough to take her breath away.

"I'm calling an ambulance Ross" she said.

"Okay I don't care as long as she okay".


I'm really sorry guys that I haven't updated in a while but I had writers block and I couldn't think of what to write next, hope you like it, comment, vote, read it, whatever, hopefully soon I'll be at 10k reads, get all your friends to read help me get views and make sure you comment if you have ideas

it really helps or let me know that you want another updates so I can hurry my butt along and write it. Stay Rossome!!!!

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