Chapter 30-Christmas

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Laura POV
Oh it's Christmas Eve how I love this time of year, full of joy, love and surrounded by family. I need to go shopping but I can't go with Rydel as she'll see what I get her and I don't wanna go by myself. I pick up my phone and dial his number.

"Uh Hey Noah" I say awkwardly.

"Hi Laura, how are you" he replies.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, anyways, I gotta go Christmas shopping and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I ask him.

"Sure, sounds fun" he says.

"Okay meet me at the tour bus you know where I was last time, just knock and I'll be there" I say exited.

"Okay cya later Laura" I hear his smile through the phone.

"Bye" I say.

Okay that's down now, what could I get these guys I mean Rydel, anything pink. I think and chuckle to myself as I think of what to get everybody.

A few hours later and there's a knock on the door.

"I got it" yells Rydel.

Oh my gosh I'm not ready to go out and Noah's here already.

"Oh come on in" I hear Rydel say.

Ross POV
I hear Rydel talking to some guy at the door and inviting him in, Urgh I hope it's not...Noah, all Laura talks about is him and it's starting to get on my nerves. But never mind that, I really need to make it up to Laura by doing something breathtaking and romantic, I don't know what though. I walk up to Rocky, he's always been quite a ladies man so why not right?

"Hey man, I need your help" I say, a bit desperate actually.

"Okay...with?" He holds the th sound.

"With my present for Laura it has to be something that could help me get her back" I say.

" about you write her a song?" He suggests.

"We could all perform it for her" riker interrupts.

"That's an awesome idea" Ratliff adds.

"Guys this was just a talk between me and Rocky" I say frustrated "but I do like thy idea, thanks Rocky, Riker and Ratliff you didn't do anything but thanks for this" I say hugging them all. Now let's come up with this song, I start to sing random lyrics see what fits and I start to get a song. I hear footsteps go past my door and I just shrug it off, must be one of my many siblings or my parents.

Noah POV (only short but yeah!)
That's a great song I could so perform that for Laura, she'd love me if I did, thank you Ross. I turn my phone to voice recorder and start to record the lyrics, don't need instruments not with a voice like mine. I walk past Where Ross is pretending to need the bathroom, this is so easy like taking candy from a baby.

Laura POV
"Are you ready yet" Noah asks.

"Yup, now I am" I say stumbling out of the room with the bunks. I walk to the front of the bus "bye guys I'll be back in a little while" I say as I step out of the bus. The beach is amazing right now so beautiful.

"Oh my wow, this scenery is amazing" I exclaim throwing my arms in the air as we near the town centre, the bright lights shine magnificently.

"It is but not as beautiful as you" Noah replies. After that statement from him my cheeks begin to burn bright red.

"Which shop do you want to go to first?" He asks.

"This one" I say pointing to a very girlie shop for Rydel, after that a few more stores until we're done.

"Woah girl you can definitely shop, just saying" Noah says laughing, wow he's amazing.

We walk back with bags around my wrists of presents that are all wrapped, hand in hand enjoying each other's company. We reach the beach just near the bus I can see it just opposite us in the car park.

"So Laura, can I give you your Christmas present early as I won't get to see you?" He asks me and I nod yes. He starts to sing loud and beautifully.

"Crazy Stupid Love" (I do not own this song it's R5's of course!)

Wherever we go, yeah
It's crazy, stupid love

I never cared bout my stupid hair
Before you came into my life, babe
I would have never seen that my eyes were green
Till I laid them right on you, babe

Won't you come and stay a while?
Electrified, you blow my mind
In every single way

Wherever we go, yeah
It's crazy, stupid love
I'm losing all control
Oh oh
Whatever it takes, baby
It's crazy, stupid love
I'm feeling through your bones
Oh oh

Got that
Crazy (crazy)
Stupid (stupid)
Love (love)

People say that chicks will make
You do a crazy thing or two
But I don't care what people say
Cuz you, ha, you!

Make me feel like I can fly
Electrified, you blow my mind
In every single way

Wherever we go, yeah
It's crazy, stupid love
I'm losing all control
Oh oh
Whatever it takes, baby
It's crazy, stupid love
I'm feeling through your bones
Oh oh

Got that
Crazy (crazy)
Stupid (stupid)
Love (love)

Got that
Crazy (crazy)
Stupid (stupid)
Love (love)

I've seen the way you've been shining lately
Put your hands and let's party, baby
You just hear the truth, it makes me
Say woah

I've seen the way you've been shining lately
Put your hands and let's party, baby
You just hear the truth, it makes me
Say woah

Wherever we go, yeah
It's crazy, stupid love
I'm losing all control
Oh oh
Whatever it takes, baby
It's crazy, stupid love
I'm feeling through your bones
Oh oh

Got that
Crazy (crazy)
Stupid (stupid)
Love (love)

Wherever we go

Crazy (crazy)
Stupid (stupid)
Love (love)

Wherever we go

Crazy (crazy)
Stupid (stupid)
Love (love)

Wherever we go

Crazy (crazy)
Stupid (stupid)
Love (love)


Crazy (crazy)
Stupid (stupid)
Love (love)

Yeah, oh oh

Crazy (crazy)
Stupid (stupid)
Love (love)

Wherever we go

He finishes. I was speechless that he wrote that song for me.

"You wrote that for me?" I ask.

"Ye-" he's cut off by Ross.

"No he stole it from me!" Ross claims.

"Sure Ross sure I did" Noah says in a weird manner.

"He did" Riker backs him up, eventually so does Ratliff and Rocky.

"Noah did steal the song" even Rydel is on her brothers side "that was your Christmas present from Ross" Rydel says down.

"And now it's ruined, why do I even bother" Ross sighs running away from this situation. I'm speechless I don't even have to think about it before I know I'm running after Ross, why am I?

"Ross" I shout around. I hear sobs, he can't be crying over that song, over this.

"Ross" I say again but with a more gentle tone.

"What" he says between sobs.

"Did you really do that all for me?" I ask.

"Of course, I did, I wanted to show how much you meant to me and Noah got completely in the way and ruined it. That was the first song I've ever written, and he stole it and sang it to you" he says punching the wall.

"Calm down, I loved it!" I say hoping it will make him feel better.

"NO!" Ross shouts "I WANTED TO DO IT AND ITS RUINED" he shouts scaring me I backed away into the corner slowly and a little shaken up.

"I'm so sorry Laura, I didn't mean to yell" he says but I'm so shaken up I don't know what to say.

Ross POV
I go to touch her arm in comfort and she pulls away, I've completely scared her...

"I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to" I say trying to make it okay, what use will it do though it's Christmas Eve someone as made me mad and now I've taken it out on Laura, this may be the worst Christmas yet...

Okay first credit to @omgitsrauslly for giving me the idea of the song stealing thanks a million!!! New chapter up soon :)

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