Chapter 14

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Ross POV
I went back to the hospital, it was pretty quiet compared to when I ran in there earlier. I walk to the room Laura was in and there she lied her motionless body, her lips a light pink and her skin so pale it looked like snow. 'Why did it have to happen to her' I kept repeating in my head. I felt so helpless.

I was stood by the doorway for a while, then I noticed a chair and pulled it up to the bed and sat down.

"Why did this have to happen to you Laura of all people why do people pick on you so much? I...I just don't understand. You're the most beautiful, innocent, sweet, adorkable, caring girl in the world. Please just open your eyes for me so I can see those browns eyes that make me melt every time they lock with mine" I said as a tear ran down my cheek and my voice cracked, she really did mean so much to me and I can't let it end here I just, I can't.

Laura POV
"Mum is that you" I asked as I starred into the never ending white environment.

"Yes dear, what's troubling you?" She replied.

"I...I don't know what to do anymore, I'm not sure if I want to go back or give in now" I said.

"Well...that's understandable baby but just remember who's here for you at the moment, what will happen to them in you left them?" She asked.

"Who's here for me mum? It's not like dad is, I don't even know where he is anymore" I shouted .

"Look" she simple said and I was looking at my body in a hospital room and there was Ross, he had tear stains on his face and was holding my hand.

"Oh Laura please don't go I care so much for you and without you life isn't really worth living so if you go I go" he said.

It brought a tear to my eye. "Mum I think I gotta stay for now" she smiled when I said that and she disappeared, "no mum please don't leave me, I love you..." I shouted into the distance.
She was no longer here...

Ross POV
Laura's eyes burst open and she woke up crying but I don't know why.

"Laura you're awake!" I said with happiness.

"My mum, she's gone again" she said and more tears fell from her beautiful brown eyes.

"Laura, what are you on about?" I asked.

"My mum she...she's dead and I saw her, she helped me decide to come back here, I was about to give up" she blurted out, I understood some but what really stuck out to me was that she didn't want to live anymore.

"Hey it's okay" I said as I pulled her into a hug, and gave her a kiss on her hair. It was all ruined when I was pushed out of the room nurses went in and visiting hours were over.

"Wait can you give this to Laura please" I asked and the nurse nodded.

"Thanks" I said.

I didn't know what to do so I went home. As I was walking I thought 'what made Laura want to stay if she badly wanted to go and leave this world'. It saddened me that she did but something made her stay and I was determined to find out one way or another.
Thank you all so much for the 4k +views it's means so much sorry I haven't updated in a little while but I've been busy with school work and sports fixtures. I will try and update as much as possible when I have spare time :)

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