Chapter 19

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Ross POV

And again I faced the all to familiar place where Laura is dragged to a room and tested for god knows what.

I waited with my whole family and Ratliff as they all tagged along.

"Dude, how much longer until they're done with the tests" Rocky asks my mum.

"Dear, I don't know, I'm not the doctor" she replied.

"I think I'm going to get some food" Rydel said and started to walk.

" too" Ratliff ran after her. You know I've have the suspicion that he may like my sister. Hmmm...just maybe but that;s ridiculous because he has a girfriend.

The doctor interrupted my thoughts.

"Mr Lynch" he said searching.

"That's me" I said walking towards him.

"Okay, Ms Marano will be alright but she is suffering from anxiety and depression, so you need to start keeping a good eye on her or she'll do the worst and could kill herself" he explained. That really scared me that he said she has the capability to kill herself, that reminded me on the incident in school and I cannot let that happen to Laura again.

I gulped "okay, thank you, is there any medication she needs so I can make sure she takes them?" I asked.

" No she could overdose if we did, we do not know what she could do but because of the effect of these mental illnesses she may do it without wanting to do it, so be careful" he warned me.

"I'm really sorry Viney but I have to ask, can she be cured from this?" I had to ask because if so I want to be able to help in any way possible.

"Yes but it's more of tricking the brain, we could book some therapy appointments for her if you like?" He asked.

"Um I'll get back to you on that I gotta ask Laura first".

"Okay well let me know when she's come to a decision" Dr Viney responded.

After that he left, my feelings were so mixed right now I don't even know why or how. My family and I, plus Ratliff bundled into the room, this was a bit awkward considering Laura's only met some of them.

"Hey Laur, how you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm okay but who are some of these people?" She looked confused I don't really blame her.

"Okay this is Rocky, Riker, Ryland, Rydel and Ellington but he's a family friend and of course my mum and dad" it was a lot to take in but hopefully she got it, but I guess it did help that she knew some of them.

"So when can you come out of here?" I got that déjà vu moment because I've been through this before.

"This evening" she said excitedly, I don't understand how someone like Laura could have anxiety as well as depression especially when she's happy, she is such a bubbly, fun person to be around.

"Okay that's awesome but Laura I need to talk to you for a second, um guys could you leave for moment?" I asked my family nicely to leave.

"Sure sweety" my mum said.

"Ohh Ross is going to have a moment with his girlfriend" Rocky patronised me. To be honest though we have never made anything official or anything so she's not actually my girlfriend, yet...

"Okay, so Laura did the doctor explain what happened and why?" I asked her.

"Yes he did" she replied short and sweet, like her!

"Well...the doctor said he could possible rid you of these mental illnesses if you book a few appointments in therapy, w...would you be up for it?".

"Um...I guess, it's really hard living with stuff like that so I'd love to give it a try", she's really perky today and she seems happy and I'm glad because I haven't seen much of that in a while.

"Okay let me just go and tell the Doctor" I ran out smiling that she would give it ago.

She is such a strong woman, I'm so proud of her for what she has managed to get through, I just wish I could called that woman mine...


Okay so two updates in two days, but only because I may not be able to update due to homework and stuff. I also thought to bring in R5 and Stormie and Mark because they can be so much fun to write. Hope you liked it vote comment and tell everyone about it! Stay Rossome!!!! :) p.s. Sorry about the grammar or spelling if there's something is misspelled, I got too lazy to check.

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