Chapter 10-make-over

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Laura POV
I must say I'm nervous and excited for what Ross has planned today, I think it'll be fun haha! Or it could become a complete disaster, we'll just have to wait and see won't we now...

Ross POV
I'm ready lets do this, she's so gonna be thanking me for this. You see, I know she's beautiful and I can see it but she still has trouble accepting it, I'm going to show her what she looks like to me...perfect. I'm also hoping to ask Laura to prom, I just haven't thought how. This year has gone so quickly but I'm glad at how it's turned out so far. Soon we'll be going separate ways but I don't want to...what am I saying I need to live in the present and stop thinking about the future for now. Okay deep thought over let's go.

"Laur you ready to go yet?" I shouted upstairs.

"Yeah just one sec" she shouted back.

She walked down the stairs in tight black skinny jeans, a marvel top and high tops...okay...yes, that's not what most boys like but man did she look HOT in it and my oh my, those jeans and that booty, what? I am a guy after all haha!

"Do I look alright?" She asked.

"Alright is an understatement, you look HOT" I exclaim.

She blushed. It was adorkable to say the least, I love when she blushes, as she looks at the ground then slowly bring her head up. She's just so beautiful. I can definitely confirm that I have fallen for Laura Marano.

"Shall we Ms Marano?" I said.

"We shall" she replied it sounded as if I was asking her to dance.

We got into my car and drove to the shopping centre (yes I'm British so I'm going to say shopping centre instead of mall haha!) we sat in comfortable silence the whole way there, it was perfect, just that moment.

We arrived and I asked where she wanted to head first and she pointed to hair dressers. Why not? So we walked in there and were welcomed.

"Hello, welcome to Helen's Hairdresser, how may we be of assistance today?" The employer asked.

"I'm here to give her a make over and we're starting with hair" I replied.

"Okay, any particular style you want or colours?" She questioned.

"Surprise me" Laura replied.

"Oh getting a little adventurous are we now" I whispered to Laura.

"Haha, I guess so" she smirked at me.

She sat down in the chair as the woman cuts inches off of her hair but it didn't matter because it was so long, she then put some blonde on the end of Laura's hair, btw I only know this because the hair dresser said as she went along, not like I know this stuff or anything pfft what are you on about... Anyways she then curled Laura's hair and giving a loose perm I believe. By the time she was finished just wow she look well words can't even describe.

"So...does it look okay?" Laura turned and ask me.

"It looks amazing Laur your hair is so beautiful like you and that really suits you " I complimented .

"You sound so camp" she laughed as I said it and I joined in the with laughing too. I paid for her hair and went out.

"Right, where do you wanna head to next?" I said.

"How about clothes stores?" She asked.

"Okay then lets go" I said dragging her first to a casual clothing store.

"Slow down Ross, I've only got tiny legs" she whined.

"Sorry forgot you were short" I said giving her a little smirk as I said it.

"Hey!" She said then ran into the store, I ran after her and found her looking at some dresses, then frowning.

"Hey, Laur you okay?" I asked more sincere.

"All these cuts and scars I can't where any of these outfits" she said with sadness in her voice.

"Laur you're beautiful if you think you can't wear these then you're wrong because no matter what, you will look stunning in those dresses" I said.

"But I just can't" she said.

"Okay how about you grab a dress you like go try it on then I'll tell you honestly how it looks on you" I said.

"Okay, fine" she said as she sighed.

We walked over to the dressing rooms with a short white dress that flowed ever so elegantly, okay now I see what she means. Anyways it looked perfect for her.

"You done" I said pulling the curtain open to poke my head through. I heard a scream and I realised she wasn't done yet. Whoops.

"Sorry Laur did not mean for that to happen" I said smiling behind the curtain.

"Okay now I'm done"she said.

"Step out so I can see" I said.

"I don't want to though" she said.

"Fine then I'm coming in" and with that I stepped in to see her stood shyly in front of me but she looks so damn good in that dress I didn't even really notice her scars and cuts.

"Wow" is all I managed to get out.

"I don't think I can wear this" she then takes a look at the price tag.

"Yes I definitely won't be buying this" she said.

"How about I'll buy it for you and you can wear it on our date next Saturday?" I said, you know I did not think this through, what if she doesn't want to.

"A date?"she questions.

"Yeah...unless you don't want to" I said very unsure now.

"Okay it sounds fun" she said.

"Ah phew, so do you want that dress?" I ask.

"Uh no it's too much to ask" she said.

"No it's not, you're not the only one with well off parents although why don't you get any money?" I said.

"Um...because my parents don't like me that's basically it" she said short and unconvincingly but I went with it.

"Oh I'm so sorry Laur I didn't realise and I said I'd take you for a make over and that means I will pay too" I said.

Her picture perfect smile began to appear again and then I thought, I have to think of what to do for a perfect date and asking her to prom, this may be a lot harder than I thought, I hope it's worth it...

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