Chapter 33

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Laura's POV
Ross led me towards the deserted stairs of the Eiffel Tower. In the still night, the tower stood tall. It was framed by stars, scarce to be counted, the moon casting a beautiful glow. It took my breath away. After all this, after all that had happened, I had forgotten it all. All for the moment. As we climbed the last steps, my heel caught and I tumbled into Ross. He caught me in a moment, and my heart fluttered when he chuckled softly. I blushed and unhooked my heel quickly. Ross led me to a table, covered in a cream cloth, two seats were sat opposite each other, the candles shining brightly. Ross, being the gentleman he always had been, pulled my chair out and I sat down. Opposite me he smiled. He was so gorgeous. Better than words. He couldn't be described. I love him...I really do. The waiter came over to our table
"Bonjour Monsieur et mademoiselle! Bienvenue à Eiffel Tower! Je m'appelle Jean Paul, que-est ce que vous voulez boire?" He said quickly. Ross looked at me confused as I did. I giggled slightly knowing he hadn't planned this. Without a second thought I grabbed his hand and began running. Laughing loudly we ran down the steps, hearing the waiter in the background yelling "Alors! Alors!" Whatever that meant. We ran for what seemed like hours. I was still holding his hand and I noticed we fit like a puzzle piece.
"Well that was fun" he said panting
"Wasn't it just" I replied. BANG! I jumped on Ross, he just laughed
"Someone might have been shot Ross and your laughing?" He laughed harder
"Why are you laughing?" I whined like a child. By now he was laying in the dry grass, clutching his sides. When he'd finally calmed down, he pointed to the sky. I looked up and saw nothing
"What?" I asked
"Come here" he opened his arms and I laid down next to him. I looked and realised now what. The sky was splattered with gold, silver, blue, green, red and more. They created paths of their own, fading before they reached their unknown destination. Fireworks...they were beautiful. I couldn't wish for more. No fancy restaurant, no expensive present. Just being in my loves arms, admiring the miracles around us. From the incredible Paris skyline to the dry grass we sat on. Lost in thought I hadn't seen Ross staring at my face
"Is there something on my face?" I said
"No" he replied bluntly
"Then why are you staring?"
"Admiring the view"
I sighed contently looking back up at the sky
"Their beautiful. So beautiful"
"Not as beautiful as you" Ross winked cheekily. I smiled at his corny pick up line and turned to look at him. The moonlight framed his sculpted face like a spotlight. His eyes sparkled with delight as each firework exploded into another array of colour. His lip parted to let gasps of air out when he saw a particularly incredible one. I kissed his cheek tenderly and rested my head on his shoulder. This was perfection.

Sorry it's been so long but I've had a lot of homework and assessments to do but here another chapter and it was written by KaltEFlOrAsTyLiNSoN, also feel free to follow she's amazing writer! Remember to comment ideas because I may use them and then give you the credit so COMMENT and VOTE too! Stay Rossome!!!!!

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