Chapter 9-you up for it?

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Ross POV
Did I really just say that like seriously why would I say that to her, she's probably going to think I'm weird now, nice one Ross...

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I quickly said and ran. It wasn't the first time I had ran away from her.

Laura didnt even have anytime to get words in before I ran for it.

Laura POV
Did Ross just say he loved me? that's awkward I don't know my feeling for him yet because I don't know what love is but will he understand? Should I tell him? Oh my gosh so many thoughts are in my mind.

"Ross" I said with a slight shout.

He came back into my room and stood by the door scratching his neck.

"Do you really love me?" I asked.

"Um...yeah I think so. All I know is that you make me a better person, I want to be with you all the time, you're perfect to me, I may of not seen this before but that's because we haven't really talked till now, you're amazing and you're voice is like an Angels you're perfect to me even with everything, you make feel something that I've never felt before with anyone, every time we touch I always feel sparks fly through the air and I see fireworks, okay maybe this sounds so cliche but its honestly what you make me feel like, I know you think I may be falling fast but I don't care because you're worth it" He finished.

I honestly feel like the only girl in the world right now but I feel like he's playing me and he's said this before. I don't know what to do.

Ross POV I spilled out my feelings and she's just sat there, do I ask her if she likes me? I don't know what to do, I haven't done this before maybe it's just not worth it.

"Laura" I said weakly.

"Yes" she replied.

"Are you gonna answer me or am I just waiting on something that won't happen" I questioned .

"I...I...I don't think this would work I mean you're a popular and I'm me and well me is a nerd, which means I always get beaten up for being myself. Do you really want to be involved in that?" She ask as her voice cracked.

"How about if we changed that so you wouldn't get beaten up?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She said confused.

"I mean, I'll give you a make over...well I'll take you to get it done" I said and she laughed. Man I love her smile its a picture perfect smile that just brightens my mood.

"Um...I guess but what if I don't like it" she asked.

"You'll love it trust me" I said.

As I finished that sentence I realised she never replied, this brought my mood down slightly but if she didn't like me back I think my heart would tear to pieces, I'd rather not know for now...

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