Chapter 20

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Laura POV
Ross and I waited until I was allowed to go. After we headed back to his house. I must say we got a very loud welcome back but all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Hey Ross, Laura you're back!" Rydel said.

"Guys give them some space" Stormie Ross' mum said.

I'm still a little new to most of their names and I still get confused except Stormie and Rydel, they are so awesome though.

"Okay...well I'm going to head upstairs and lay down" I said to them.

"If you need anything I'll be down here" Ross said.

"Okay thanks" I kissed his cheek and dragged myself upstairs to his room. I really do love his room it's so nice. I got to his bed and lay down, it smells like him, the sickly scent of pancakes but strangely additive. I laid there for some time just thinking, I started to get really tired and it was just too much effort to move from his bed so I stayed there.

Ross POV
I was chilling in the games room when my mum called for dinner so I thought to go get Laura. I ran upstairs to my room to find her on my bed laying so peacefully on my bed haha! She too cute sometimes.

"Hey Laura its dinner" I whispered.

"Yeah, whatever" she said groggily.

"I'll just save you some" I whispered again walking out my room downstairs to the dining room.

"Yes, mums famous chicken pie!" I said to myself well I thought I said it but by the looks of the rest of my family and Ratliff I shouted it.

"Someone's happy, people would probably think you haven't eaten anything for a week by that" my dad says.

I laughed "it's just we haven't had this in a while and it's so good" I exaggerated the so.

"Where's Laura?" Rocky said.

"She's sleeping right now so I said I would save her some food".

We all sat talking and eating like we would normally do, I really do love my family. I finished so I thought I would go and check on Laura. She was sat on my bed looking through my phone.

"What are you doing" I ask.

" nothing" she says nervously chucking my phone.

"You do realise that that's my phone right?" I laughed, I don't really care that she was looking through my phone but if it was someone else then I probably would've been mad.

"I'm really sorry Ross I didn't mean to chuck it or go throu-" I cut her off.

"It's fine Laura but what were you looking at?" I was curious.

"Um...I...I...was looking at your twitter ad Instagram" she confesses shyly.

"What about them?".

"Whose this girl you're mad about, girl crazy even?" is she serious?

"You got to be kidding me right? It's you, I'm mad about you and have been for a while who was the one I kissed?" I asked.

"Me" she said smiling to herself.

"Exactly and who was that heartfelt message in that card for?"

"Me" she laughed.

And if you don't believe me" I said getting close to her, I caressed her cheek and leant in for a kiss. She put her hands around my neck and I leant my hands on her hips, it started to get a little heated until she pulled away.

"I can't" she said looking down.

"It's okay I didn't mean for anything more than a kiss."

She walked over to the other side of the room.

"You know I wouldn't take advantage of you like that" I said.

"I know because you're different than other boys" she says.

"I gotta ask though what are we?" I'm very confused at the moment I really like kissing her and her company but we haven't discussed anything.

"I don't know, what do you want to be?" She asked me.

"Honestly?" I ask she nods.

"I want us to be more than friends but if you don't feel the same then I'd take being friends any day" I confessed.

"I want to be something more than friends" she said and straight away a smile from ear to ear appeared on my face.

"Laura, I don't know your middle name Marano will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Ross Shor Lynch" she laughed.

"Wait how do you know my middle name?" I asked confused.

"Oh some people had your name as their twitter name and tweeted it, how have you got so many followers?" She said.

"Oh I see and I'm in this band called R5 if you haven't noticed" I said pointing to all the stuff in my room that had R5 on it, she does make me laugh.

"Oh haha! That's why that stuff was here, I just thought you had a big obsession with them" she said and smiled whilst sticking her tongue out. She's so adorable and now she's mine!

"Yes I'm not that kinda guy" I said laughing.

"Okay well I'm actually still tired so is that offer of spending the night still available?" She asked. And of course it was anytime.

"Yes it is, oh you're gonna have to share my bed I'm sorry about that."

"That's okay, thank you so much for everything" she smiled.

I went to my cupboard and in there was a box of old shirts that no longer fit me but would fit Laura.

I found my old favourite yellow T-shirt, of course yellow as it's my favourite colour!

"Hey Laura why don't you change from those clothes into something a bit more comfortable" I said chucking her the top.

"Oh no I couldn't this is yours" she said, she's so polite.

"It's fine it don't fit me anymore plus it was my favourite so I want you to have it!"

"Aww Rossy thank you" she said.

"Oh so we're doing those kinda names now?" I laughed.

"Um yeah I guess so" she said as she walked to the bathroom to change.

"Ross can you come down here a second dear" my mum shouted.

"Yeah one second" I shouted back.

I ran down stairs to mum who was sat at the dining table.

"Wassup mum?" I asked.

"Okay so we've been thinking, and we've come to a decision if you and Laura agree, we want her to come live with us so she's no longer alone, what'd you think?" She said, it made me smile.

"I'm definitely cool with it but where's she gonna sleep?" I ask.

"With you until we get something sorted but you have to be good" she replied.

"I will, I promise"I ran upstairs to my room I couldn't wait to tell Laura because she would get to stay with us and I would get to see her all the time!

"Hey lau-" I went to say but she was asleep in my bed, I guess I'll just have to tell her tomorrow. I think I'll crash too I'm quite tired from that running haha! I joke to myself way to much.

I take off my trousers and my top as well as socks and shoes and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth as I did so arms wrapped around my stomach and I gathered it was Laura.

"Hey beautiful wassup?" I ask.

"Nothing I just love you hugs and warmth" I do love her.

"Aww ickle Laura want hugs once I'm finished doing my teeth?" She nodded into my back well at least I think she did.

"Okay well you go back to my room and I'll be back in a moment" she let go off me and walked away. I was done with my teeth, toilet and such and I walked back into my room.

"Okay how about them cuddles now?" I opened my arms and she jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"You know you look so hot in that shirt" I laughed I was enjoying this though.

She have me a funny look.
"What I'm a guy" I said and she playfully smack my chest then she nuzzled her head into my neck and her warm breath on me was like my kryptonite. As her legs wrapped completely around me I held her thighs and she tensed up.

"Hey what's wrong? Why'd you tense?" I asked.

"I just didn't expect it really" she said. I was a little confused because she's the one who jumped on me.

"Okay" I made myself sound a but unsure but she relaxed again.

"You know you're gonna have to get used to me holding you and stuff because you're my girlfriend and I love to cuddle" I said winking, she smiled.

"Okay how about we get to bed now?"

"Yeah that seems like a good idea" she said as she climbed into bed.
I got into bed with her and cuddled her, she was about to fall asleep.

"I'm really sorry Laura but I need to ask you something" I whisper.

"What is it?"she asked with her eyes still shut.

"My mum and dad have offered for you to stay at mine so you're not alone because I know you are and I don't want that for you, so would you like to move in here?"

"Of course I would your family are so nice!" She hugs me squeezing me.

"Okay, we can get your stuff tomorrow."

"Sure" she said falling asleep.

I couldn't sleep it was about 3:00am I don't even know why. I was just laying there when Laura turned to face me and tangled her legs with mine, I was taken by surprise, I didn't expect it. Obviously she was asleep, luckily because I got a little too happy for what just happened. Oh man this is going to be hard sleeping with Laura, she too beautiful, I can't contain myself.

Wow this is quite a long chapter for me hope you guys liked it. FINALLY Raura is happening!!! Haha I may get another chapter in so keep reading guys!!! Comment and Vote stay Rossome!!!

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