Chapter 5-It felt right

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Laura POV

I was sat on the bathroom floor crying into Ross' chest for a while, I had to admit I liked it, I felt safe and wanted.

Ross got up and put his hand out for me so I could get up, I hesitated a little but then I took his hand and got up, when our hands touched I felt sparks fly through my body but I ignored them. I can't help but wonder if he felt them too.

Ross POV

I stick my hand out to help Laura up she hesitated but as she touched my hand I felt something no one not even Samantha could make me feel, it was a pure spark I couldn't help but wonder if she noticed it too.

I decided to walk Laura home as she was definitely not stable to go home by herself. As we walked, we talked and found we had a lot in common, she was liked my other half, the half I needed to keep me from going insane why haven't I noticed it before?

"Here we are" Laura says as she unlocks her door.

"Nice house" I say but she just frowns.

"Yeah I guess" she says.

"What's up? This place is awesome!!!" I say.

"I does get awful lonely here as my parents are never home , so I'm alone all the time" she sounded sad and I couldn't help but want to hug her, I didn't but I had to hold myself back.

"Do you want me to stay with you for a while, I don't mind, I think it would do you good to have someone here with you plus my mum won't mind" I said smiling to her and she looked down.

"I...I...I don't know, do you really want to?" She said.

"Yeah, especially as you scared me earlier, I can at least keep an eye on you for a while, make sure you don't try anything else" I said, I was concerned, I mean who wouldn't be?

*End of POV*

Ross and Laura walked into Laura's house he was astonished by how amazing her house was it was massive and her family must of been well off.

After a while they got bored so ross suggests they watch a movie, he picks one from the massive collection of DVDs 'Romeo and Juliet 1968' version ( I'm not completely sure what the date was but its round about then).

Ross POV

"What?" I questioned as I get a weird look from Laura.

"Nothing" she says smiling to herself.

"Really?" I said.

"It's just that boys normally pick horror films not romance" she says.

"Well for your information this happens to be my favourite film of all time" I say proud.

I put the DVD on and pressed play.

Half way through the movie Laura snuggles up to me. I didn't actually mind to be honest. She fit perfectly into my arms but as she got comfortable she started to dose off so I carried her to her room and put her in her bed. Just as I was at the door of her room I heard her say "Ross can you stay with me?"

"Of course" I said no thought needed.

I got into her bed and she snuggled closer into me. I noticed she was freezing so I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight, but instead of feeling awkward this felt right... Like it was supposed to play out like this but was it?

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