Chapter 15

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Ross POV
"Dude what has got you so down?" my older brother Riker asked.

"Nothing" I replied bluntly.

"You know you can't use that on me I know you and I know when something's got you down, you gonna spill it?" He said.

"Fine...okay there's this girl I really like, she's perfect but she got beat up real bad the other day, after running away from me and now she's being treated for head injuries but she woke up after the operation crying, she said her mums dead and that she wanted to die but something made her stay, I just don't understand what" I said really fast.

"Well...that was definitely a mouthful but maybe you shouldn't ask her and give her space. Why did she run away from you?" He asked.

"Well, we got into an argument, okay it's a long story but she still thinks I would pick on her even after I kissed her and spilled my feelings to her" as I said that I remembered she was asleep when I did that.

"Dude if she means so much to you, you gotta win her over again and make sure she knows she can trust you 100%" he said.

"Thanks Riker!" He said.

I went up to my room and started to plan what I would do and that would start with asking her to prom once I've sorted this date if she still wants to come...

Laura POV
I had my tests done and the nurses finally dispersed out of my room so I was alone, but one came back in with a few things.

"They're for you" she said.

"Um...thanks" I said unsure.

I opened the card to find a key necklace fall out but not just any key necklace it was Ross', it was such a beautiful necklace, I've always love it. Then there was the message in the card I read it in my mind and it brought me to tears it said...

I know you probably hate me right now but I have to tell you that your cute smile and your happy laughter attracted me to you, but your caring loving heart is the reason why I want to be with you, your love has changed me so very much. People have said I am a different person now. I guess when you came into my life it was for the best and I'm so glad for that, you're perfect in every way I may not of seen it before but you're no longer a wallflower, you're a beautiful budding Rose, I want you to know I'm so proud of how strong you are and could've never got through that without someone by my side but you did and even though you didn't have someone then I just want you to know you have now even if you don't want me I'll be there. I want you to keep my key necklace as it's the key to my heart There is not enough that I can write about you, but I want to end this by saying that I really, glaringly and daringly love you.
-Ross (forever yours whether you like it or not)

It was so beautiful I can't believe he wrote this.

"Nurse!" I called out.

"Yes" she replied.

"When can I get out of here" I asked.

"Whenever you're ready actually just be careful" she said.

"Okay thanks" I said.

I got ready into some clothes that were supplied for me. Once I was ready I checked out and headed to Ross' house.

Ross POV
I got bored after a while and headed downstairs to get food.

"Mum, what food we got?" I asked her

"Whatever's in the house" she said, she always says that, I don't know why I always ask her. I go into the fridge and grab some random food I mean what do I care I'd eat anything. I was about to go upstairs when the door rang.

"Laura!" I exclaimed running to her and holding her tight.

"Ross" she replied.

"Yes" I asked.

"I can't breath you're hugging me too tight" she said.

"Oops sorry" I said embarrassed "so how come you're at my place?" I asked.

"Because I came to talk to you about the message in that card you sent me and also the flowers were beautiful" I started to get nervous when she said that, but as she said that I noticed she was wearing my necklace.

"You're wearing my necklace" I said smiling.

"Yeah I've always liked this key necklace, it's beautiful" she said.

"And it's all yours" I continued.

"No, no I can't keep it" she said.

"Of course you can, I want you to have it" I said.

"Aww that's sweet thank you, also did you mean everything you said in that card?" She shyly asked.

"Of course, I wouldn't have wrote if I didn't, Laura I really have fallen head over heels for you and I would love for you to give me a chance to be your man on that date I mentioned earlier this week" I said.

"I would love that" she said.

There was a moment of silence when the next thing I know is our lips smash together and they move in perfect sync, it was Amazing.

Thank you everyone once again for the reads!!!! Also a longer chapter than the rest :D let me know what you think ad if you don't like certain parts let me know so I can improve or change it!!! Comment and Vote peoples!!!!

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