Chapter 28

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Laura POV
I just couldn't take it anymore, Ross he's too up in my business, I know relationships is supposed to contain truth but it's hard when all you want to do it forget. This is going to be the awkwardest trip I've even encountered, yay! (Note the sarcasm). After a stressful night on the bus, I got up and went to get breakfast, as I was greeted by Rydel who was already up dressed and reading to go!

"Hey girlie!" She exclaimed.

"Oh hi" I replied with no enthusiasm.

"What's wrong Laur?"she asks.

"Oh nothing".

"Okay..." She replies very unconvinced. I would've told her but it's just too much explaining to do and I don't know what I want to say maybe it's easier to get Ross to tell them when he does, that is. It's about 9am now so I go for a shower, when I hear the door creak open.

"Whoever you are please close your eyes and get out" I shout into nothingness.

"Sorry" I hear Ratliff say I can tell by his voice, that's just all too embarrassing, Ratliff has probably seen me naked now, oh no. I slowly climb oh of the shower and wrap myself in my towel. I dry myself, put on some casual clothes after that then go meet everyone. I walked up to the back of the bus to find Ross making out with some girl, I felt physically sick, I mean how could he we only broke up yesterday and he's already moved on well if that's how he wants to play it, I can play too and I'm going to beat him at his own game.

Ross Shor Lynch it's on!

I'm so sorry about the wait but I've been so caught up in everything to do with family and school, I know it's not a great chapter but I thought it was long over due for one so here it is, thank you to all that have bared the story on halt, you readers are the best ever! So whose a seen catching fire? Did you like it? I know I loved it! Stay Rossome!!!!!!

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