Chapter 3- what have i done?

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Laura POV

I read the little note Ross gave me and it made me smile it said:


sorry for this morning but I don't mean to hurt you...I just wanted to ask if you were alright and if you would meet me by the lockers after school?

Ross :)

I wrote back on the same note ' long at its not a joke and I won't get beaten up'.

I handed the note back to him. I was a little suspicious as to why but I thought I'd give him a chance.

*End of POV*

The day went by so quickly when suddenly the last bell of the day rang, everyone ran out of their seats whilst Laura slowly packed away.

After she had finished she walked to her locker to put her books away and waited for Ross to show up. Time passed and he was no where to be seen, when all of a sudden the populars ran past with slushies and dumped them on Laura and pushed her against the wall. Ross didn't do anything but run past and mouth 'sorry'.

"Did you really think Ross would be into you, come on you're a geek, no one would ever want you, so why are you still alive, how about you do us a favour and kill yourself so we don't have to see you anymore, now buh-bye" Samantha said and she closed the gap between Laura and herself trying to start a fight.

Laura wriggled out of Samantha's grip and ran to the bathroom her hair was a mess, he eyes where all puffy from the tears and she couldn't take it much longer.

Ross POV

What have I done. Laura shouldn't kill herself, I'm so stupid why would I do that to her she so innocent and sweet and well like me in my old school, I used to get bullied and I used to cut, if I knew Laura did that already I just couldn't live with myself, I really need to set things right because this has got way out of hand, well...that's if she will talk to me.

I ran to the girls bathroom where I saw Laura run earlier and I saw a locked cubicle, I knew that must be her. I heard rummaging through a bag she was looking for something. I bent down to see her feet and her bag.

All I heard was her whisper "I can't do this anymore". That made me die inside because I knew what she was doing. I tried getting her to open the door, I shouted "Laura please come out, stop don't do it" but she didn't listen. I just heard sobbing and blood dripping on the floor before a loud thud...and it went silent...

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