Chapter 8

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Ross POV
Her lips were perfect... I gave her a quick gentle kiss, don't ask me why I did it but all I know is that, was really good no, no even more than that, amazing.
As I thought about that and what I had just done, I grabbed my clothes put them on and headed to my house to shower. I texted Laura just to let her know, I mean, I would've said it but it would have been embarrassing as I just kissed her...

Laura POV that kiss was indescribable but enough of that I had to get ready for work, as I work part time at costa on the weekends.

I put on my uniform which wasn't too bad, shoved my hair into a messy bun and put my glasses on I was all ready when I got a text from Ross.

To Laura
Hey! Sorry I left I went home to get changed and shower maybe if you're not busy we could do something today? No worries if you're busy

I love his texts they just brighten up my day.

To Ross
Sorry I have to work now until this evening maybe we could have like a sleepover or something this evening instead?

I sent the text and literally about 10seconds later he replied with...

To Laura
Okay sure that sounds awesome! I'll pick up snacks and things for this evening as well
Love you too xoxo

Did he really just say 'love you too'? I mean, I don't mind but that just made my heart skip a beat and maybe a few more after that I replied simply,

To Ross
Okay see you later x

I feel bad for not sending Ross any kisses so I gave in and sent one.

*End of POV*

Laura worked hard all day whilst Ross chilled at home and went out to get the snacks.

*few hours later*

Laura POV
My shift is finished and I'm heading home now, even though its a coffee shop, you do not know how tiring it is working there.

I enter my house and head upstairs to take a shower.

Ross POV
Okay I'm ready to go to Laura's, so I drive round and park my car outside and bring everything to the coffee table in the sitting room. I decided to put my clothes in the bathroom as that's where I change in the morning.

I slowly open the door being pretty obliviously until I realise I see a naked Laura right in front of me, I stared for a few seconds then backed out of there. Whoops... I hope she didn't see me although she does have a hot body, those curves of hers just wow!

I decided to head back down stairs and sit of the sofa and chill. I was watching just random things in tv then Laura came down the stairs in the most adorable pjs ever, well, hot and adorable actually. They were short shorts but had hello kitty on them she looked so cute and a plain white strappy top.

"Hey Laur" I said.

"Heya" she replied.

"I got us snacks all you gotta do is choose the movie" I said I'm pretty excited to just chill and have a sleep over with Laura.

"Okay I pick the film pitch perfect" she says as she puts it in the DVD player.

We were watching the movie until they start singing titanium and Laura started to sing along with it. She had such a beautiful voice and yet she wouldn't perform in Music class hmm...
The song finished and I turned to Laura.
"Hey Laur why didn't you perform in music? You have an amazing voice" I complimented but I wasn't just saying it, she really did.

"I have terrible stage fright I really can't go on stage" she answered.

"But why?" I asked.

"My mum and dad used to tell me I was never good enough to make it and it put me down so much I got scared of the idea" she says.

"Oh I see, but you really do have an amazing voice" I say.

" thanks" she says simply as she turns and smiles.

We started to cuddle up to each other on the sofa as we both started to drift off to sleep. But I decided to get us up to her room.

When we were up there I asked Laura,

"Um...okay so you know that kiss the other morning" I said shyly.

"Yes" she said.

"Did it mean anything to you?" I asked.

" I don't know I haven't really had any boyfriends to know what love feels like" she said.

"Laur" I said again.

"Yes" she replied the same.

"I'm in love with you" I said and she went silent...

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