Chapter 34

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Ross POV

"This was so beautiful, thank you" Laura says.

"I just wanted to do something that would show how much you mean to me and more" I reply.

We stand there admiring the beauty of the the pitch black sky painted by many stars all to their own significance.

"What time is the show tomorrow evening?"she asks turning to me.

"I'm believe it starts at 7 till like 10 or 11 ish."

"Okay! How about we walk and explore the city of love" she suggests.

"Why not" I say grabbing her hand and dragging her down the stairs of the Eiffel Tower.

"Woah...woah...woah, slow down Ross I'm gonna end up hurting myself" Laura says.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"You should be because now my feet hurt, carry me?"she asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Hmm...what do I get in return" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm...I dunno I could buy you some food, buy you something, a kiss?" She says.

"You know which one I want" I say seductively.

"Ah okay what food do you want me to buy?" She jokes and we laugh her giggle is so infectious and so adorable.

"Haha! Very funny" I say pulling her close to me and she plants her lips on mine but only for a brief moment but that's all I really needed.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you too" she responds

"You're getting the hang of saying that" I say nudging her but I did it a bit too hard pushing her over.

"I'm am so sorry Laura" I say helping her up of the floor.

"You should be now carry me" she complains like a kid. I started to wonder around the abandoned streets of Paris looking at different landmarks, building and architecture.

We headed back to our hotel which was walking distance from where we were now.

Laura POV

As Ross walked around more I grew more tired so tested my head on his shoulder.

"You getting tired?" He asks.

"Um...yeah kinda" I say half asleep.

"We're almost back at the hotel anyway" he says. With that I allow Myles to drift off to sleep for at least a little while.

It felt like it had been only a few minutes when I was being dressed in pyjamas and put into bed.

"Are we home already?" I ask groggily.

"It's be an hour" Ross says as he changing into his pjs.

"Well good night beautiful" he says and he's beginning to walk away.

"Ross, Um...will you stay with me, please" I ask.

"Of course" he says climbing into the bed, originally he was going to take the floor as all he needed was pillows and a cover.

"Thank you" I say snuggling into his chest and listen to his steady heart beat which relaxes me and I fall to sleep feeling safe for the first time in what seems like forever.


Okay so here's a chapter, I'm really sorry if there loads of grammatical errors and stuff because to be honest I wrote this and I was feeling too lazy to go back a check it. But it's a chapter so that something right? Remember to vote and comment!

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