Chapter 2

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Ross POV

Ah...what a day and it hasn't even really started yet. First period we got our test results back I got an A...I meant a D....uhh....umm, okay I did get an A but if I tell the guys that I will lose my reputation around here, it's surprising what I have to do sometimes just to keep my status, it's just a hassle because I do actually study and get good grades, I am probably one of the smartest guys in the school and I also have a hidden talent, I can play all instruments and sing as well you'd think girls would go crazy for me just by that but no they love the sports guys the jocks, that's why it's kept a secret.

I was about to walk to Music class when I spotted the nerd, I don't understand why people like that become people like that, I could never let myself do it I'd rather have a hassle and awesome school/social life than be a nerd with nothing.

I gotta admit I felt bad this morning and actually I never do but her big brown eyes just made me melt...wait they didn't, what if someone heard me say that I'd be in so much trouble for just liking I don't like her I'm fine...I have all the popular girls...but they're not the same the nerd seems different, Laura I think her name is.

*End of POV*

Ross started to walk to Music class as that was next.

He strode through the doors as girls were handing him their numbers but he never took a notice of who they were or even their name.
As he entered Music Laura just stared at him but he didn't notice her one bit.

"Hello class" says Mr Shaw the music teacher.

"Good morning" the whole class said together.

"Okay we will be doing solos, groups and duets for the next project, so who shall go first? about you Miss Marano".

" can't do it Sir" she stutters out.

"Come on we will wait all lesson if we must" Mr Shaw says a but harsher this time.

Ross notices the fear in her eyes and a tear forms in the corner of Laura's eyes as she has stage fright and is being made to sing in front of everyone, especially most of the populars which she didn't like most of all.

"What are you scared or something? Lame..." Kay says from across the room.

Ross was still starring at her, then Laura turned to face him, he no longer felt like a jerk he wanted to help.
Ross mouthed to her 'I'll volunteer for you so you don't have to' to Laura and she just nodded.

"Excuse me Sir can I go instead of Laura?" Ross says nervously .

"Um...well...I wanted to see Laura but since she refuses why not?" He says.

"Thanks Sir" Ross says whilst turning to Laura and she mouthed 'thank you'.

Ross got up and started to play a song on the guitar and sang, everyone was quite amazed but Laura she was stunned and just stared whilst he sang and he looked right back with a smile. His song was hypnotising.

Laura POV
What was with Ross he's never nice to me why was he doing this now, I mean, it was sweet, it really was but I don't understand why a jock like him would do something nice for a nerd, geek like me.

Ross had just finished his performance everyone was clapping and cheering even me but as he walked passed he handed me a note
And it said...

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