Chapter 40

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Ross POV
I headed home after being left in the woods with no Laura and no recollection of what happened. I walked straight upstairs and went to my room locking the door. I sat down on my bed, trying so hard to remember what happened why can't I remember anything not even what Laura told me sounded familiar from that day. I put my face in my hands when my hands felt a large lump hidden within my hairline, I jolted up and ran to the bathroom to check it out and it looked horrible a massive blue,purple and red cut which was now swollen to a larger size. Is this the reason as to why I can't remember stuff but if so who did it?

Hmm...maybe my mum might know I mean surely she would've notice blood or something.

I ran down stairs, I needed answers "mum" I shouted.

"What dear" she replied.

I lifted my hair up to reveal the cut and asked "do you know how or what this is from because I can't remember a thing" I said getting more overwhelmed.

"Well...honey, I wasn't the one to collect you when this happened but apparently you got beaten up" she says unsure. "You'll have to ask one of your brothers they picked you up that day" she says.

"Thanks mum" I say.

"Riker" I shout.

"In my room dude" he shouted back. I ran back upstairs to his room. I stood in the door way and asked again "do you know how or what this is from because I can't remember a thing" desperately, I need answers and losing hope each second.

"Dude lucky for you I was the one that picked you up that day but seriously you remember nothing?" I shook my head no. "Oh well...apparently you were beaten up by a girl named Raini because you cheated on her best friend and she found out, I'm going to go out on a limb here by guessing her best friend is Laura, she beat you up good man"he said laughing at the thought.

"Thanks dude" I said sarcastically.

"Anyways, you cheated, she beat you and I'm guessing the knock to your head made you forget, I also found out that you started calling Laura a slut because she started a rumour that you cheated even though it was true and she didn't actually start the rumour it was Samantha trying to break you guys up, you know your a dick for falling for that and throwing away Laura" he said, it was harsh but I knew what he was on about.

"Oh my god, how could I do that I'm such a dumbass why would I fall for that" I complain to myself.

"Dude, you are the only one stupid enough to fall that kinda stuff" he said.

"Okay Riker I get it I screwed up and I need to fix it but she won't talk to me or even look at me" I sighed. I left Riker's room and went back down stairs and out the house to my car I drove straight back to Costa to talk to Laura.

I walked in and she turned around heading for the back of the building, I ran after her and turned her to face me.

"I'm sorry Laura" I said.

"Sorry isn't good enough Ross, you humiliated me and for what I don't even know" she said her head now facing the floor.

"I didn't know, I mean I did, but I didn't, it's complicated" I tried to explain.

"Tell me why you did what you did" she demanded.

"Can we go outside" I asked and she nodded.

"Okay, you're going to hate me but Samantha started a rumour saying I cheated on you which I did, so it was technically the truth but she said you started it to break us up and I'm really sorry Laura, I truly am" I pleaded.

She moved her mouth but no words came out, her lip quivered and tears began to fall from her beautiful Hazel eyes and I was the cause once again.

"I'm so sorry Laura" I cried. I'm not the one for crying but I couldn't believe what I'd done it was despicable behaviour.

"YOU PROMISED" she shouted still crying her eyes out.

"I know, I know" I said calmly, we were making a scene outside of the shop.

She walked away out of town and I had a feeling out of my life too.

Okay, not as long but as I had time I thought let's get another chapter in and Ross's POV for a change! Hope you guys liked it!!! I don't know when I'll be updating next but I'll try to do it as soon as possible.

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