Chapter 41

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Ross POV

I lay on my bed, too depressed to eat and too sad to sleep, love will be the death of me. I didn't mean to cheat I didn't even realise what I was doing, maybe I was intoxicated with alcohol, I don't even know. It was still horrible and I promised, I can't believe I would even do that. I'm always tired I can't concentrate my whole world has been turned upside down, that's a good lyric I will write that down. Anyways I really don't know what to do she won't talk to me and I can't take it anymore life itself isn't worth living if my life has left me.

I've been locked in my room for days because I refuse to come out, I don't have anything to come out for. Although I have to come out for school, what a nightmare, all I can think of is Laura, all I notice is her and all I can see is her moving on and making new friends.

I woke up this morning and just threw on some clothes I don't make any effort anymore. I went downstairs grabbed my bag and left without breakfast. My family and Ratliff all try to get me to eat or have fun but I won't, I'm not hungry and I don't feel like fun. I hop in my car and begin to drive to school and what may await me. No surprise I see Laura and her new friends. Every time she laughs I know she's slowly slipping away from me all together and I may never have a chance again but she's so stubborn sometimes, every time I try to get her back or apologise she just tells me to go or to not bother.

I walked closer to her "Laura, I'm sorry please forgive me" I say.

"Ross, you know I can't do that, not after all you've done" she says.

"Can we at least talk, it will be quick" I say.

"Fine" she sighs and tells her new friends she'll be back.

I take her behind a tree on the school grounds so that we are far from anyone. "Laura what can I do to make you forgive me?" I ask.

"Just stop Ross, I can't forgive you"she says.

"Why not, it was a mistake and a regret it more and more everyday, Laura without you I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do anything" I say tears pricking my eyes but I wipe them before they fall.

"I think it's better if we go back to what it was like before we ever became friends, it will be easier to move on if you go back to what you're best at" she says.

"What am I best at?" I ask a bit lost.

"Being a player and breaking hearts" she replies.

"But..." I trail off.

"Ross it's for the best" she says walking away."URGH" I scream punching the tree. I start kicking and screaming losing it completely.

Laura POV

As I walk away I hear Ross scream and shout and I turn back around to see him punching and kicking the tree we were just at. I stop and run back grabbing his hands and he just falls to the ground sobbing.

He looks so broken but I can't forgive him just like that of course I still care and still love him but I believe going back to what we both were and pretending what happened never did is for the best.

"Ross don't cry" I say.

"You don't understand" he cries.

"I do" I say.

"NO YOU DONT" he yells at me.

"Ross calm down" I say.


"I'm sorry Ross I just can't" I say walking away from him properly this time.

I walked back to my new friends and they all kept asking what happened but I just ignored them all.

"Laura what happened with Ross?" Raini asks.


"Fine then don't reply" she says going back to talking. I looked up to find Ross walking my way with all of his old friends even the girls he played that accompanied him.

"What a slut" he says as he passes me, all his friends agree.

"What have I done" I whispered to myself.

Okay I know this is short and frankly not that great but I thought a small chapter is better than none also I'm a bit stuck and need some ideas of you got any comment or message me!

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