Chapter 39

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Laura POV

Going back to school was a mistake. Nothing, ever, good comes out of going to school for me. I'm just going to get a private tutor from the emergency money my mother left me in her will. I decided to text Stormie and let her know that I'm staying at my house again. I would've called but I didn't want to break down whilst talking to her.

To: Stormie

Hello, I'm just texting to tell you that I'm going to stay at my house for a while I need a break from everything.

Love Laura

She replied quickly.

To: Laura

Okay honey make sure to be safe I'll let the family know later.

Love Stormie

I didn't want the Lynch family to know anything, so I text back saying...

To: Stormie

Please don't tell the family I just need to be by myself for a while so if they ask can you just say I'm with some family visiting for a while.

Love Laura

To: Laura

Okay sweetie, if you need to come back or want to you're always welcome.

Love Stormie

Tears were brought to my eyes because I've never had any elder care for me as much as Mark and Stormie did; except my mother. This is for the best though, I need a break and to get away from everyone, especially Ross.

*few days later*

It was now Saturday and I needed to get to my job so, I got changed into black skinny jeans, my work polo and my black waist apron plus some trainers.

I got into my car and drove to Costa, it was fairly quiet but it was only the morning, I served some very nice people and work was a great distraction, I also spoke to some of the customers and listened to their problems, I think they felt a lot better after talking about it because when they left they had a smile on their faces, even the tiniest smile was better than none. I pushed my glasses up as they had fallen down and the bell that says when a customer enters jingled and I definitely didn't want to see this customer. Ross...I didn't even want anything to do with him right now.

"Hey Laur" he shouts to me waving.

I ignored him and turned to serve another customer.

"Oh come on Laura why are you ignoring me" he asks like he doesn't know.

I sighed and spoke to my manager and asked to go on a break. As soon as she said yes I began to walk out of the shop until I was grabbed on the arm by Ross.

"Let me go" I said quietly.

"No, let me talk" he says.

"No, there's nothing to talk about you made that very clear" I shouted.

"What are you talking about?"he says, what is he stupid, deaf, blind?

"You should know" I said and walked.

"Wait Laur" he said running after me I stopped and turned to him with my hand on his chest and said "and don't call me Laur."

"But..." He says more sincere.

"Just don't" I replied.

"No Laur...I mean Laura, I want to talk" he says.

"Well I don't" I snapped. I was walking and he grabbed my arm again and dragged me out of town to a wood where there were benches underneath the trees, it looks so inviting and relaxing on a day off.

He walked me over to a bench and say me and him down. "What do you want" I am now very frustrated, probably going to get fired from my job.

"I want to talk about why you left and why you won't talk to me" he says. "What have I done?" He asks.

Pathetic you can't just call someone a slut and forget about it. I sighed, "how do you not know what you did" I said.

"I honestly don't know" he says frustrated.

"Well you should and I'm not going to just tell you and let you off the hook, if you can't figure it out well then it's the last you will ever see of me" I shout to him standing looking over him.

He stands up too and holds onto my wrists tight so I can't leave."let me go Ross, you're hurting me" I whined.

"Not until you listen to me" he says and his grip gets a little tighter. I tried getting out of his grip, struggling I fall to the floor sobbing. "W...What do want to about" I say stuttering and tears streaming down my face.

"Why did you leave I thought you loved me" he says.

" could I someone w...who called me a s...slut?" I ask.

"I, what?" He says confused. How could he not remember what he called me.

"How could you not remember? It was only Tuesday" I ask getting furious.

"I seriously don't remember anything from Tuesday" he says confused.

He tried thinking but could only recollect what happened that morning nothing after that.

"Please tell me what happened" he pleaded.

"Fine. It was in history, I whispered to you 'Hey Rossy' you didn't reply.

"Ross?" I whisper again.

"what slut?" You said.

"Excuse me" I replied.

"Is there something you would like you share with us Laura" Mr Johnson asks in a very strict manner.

"" I reply.

"well then SHUT UP" he raises his voice at me.

Later on you passed me, we banged into each other as we passed which made me dump mu lunch on myself.

"WOW, still a dork" Samantha scoffs.

I just stared at me.

"What slut?" You asked me. I just stared because I had no idea why you called me that and I still don't know why you did, I didn't do anything" I finished.

He was silent.

"I wouldn't do that" he says.

"What, you don't believe me?" I ask.

"No, because I wouldn't do/say something to the girl I love" he says.

I sigh and say "LOVED" and walk away.


Here's another chapter! Sorry guys I was going to upload yesterday but my head was pounding so I couldn't finish writing this chapter. It's done now though!!! Let me know what you think COMMENT, VOTE and tell your fellow Raura readers to check out my story!!

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