Chapter 13

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Ross POV
"HELP HELP" I screamed as tears ran down my cheeks and blood oozed from Laura. I couldn't bare to see her like this but I couldn't just leave her.
"SOMEONE, ANYONE" I cried out, I thought someone would've heard me but no...I carefully picked up her fragile, motionless body and still she didn't move. I can't believe no one has come or even heard me scream. I ran to the nurses office pleading they do something and within and matter of seconds an ambulance was here to take Laura, that when people rushed out 'seriously now you come out' I thought. I couldn't be more mad at myself for this, it's my fault I can't believe I let this happen to her and why did it have to be her this happened to?

Paramedics rushed in and took her away and I ran out of school to follow them. I hopped in my car and tried to keep track of which hospital they went to when I arrived there my heartbeat was faint, I couldn't imagine what would happen to her, it killed me to think about it.

I ran inside to the receptionist.

"Where is Laura Marano?" I pleaded.

"She's in surgery right now but she'll be in room 214 later on, you can wait there if you want" she said.

"How long while the surgery take?" I asked.

"At least and hour, most likely more, they never run perfectly on time" she said.

"Okay" I replied bluntly and ran out to my car.

'Where's the nearest shopping centre around here?' I thought. I need to get Laura something to say sorry, she has to forgive me because without her life really isn't worth living, she's like my other half, she's my heart without that I'm dead...

I drove hoping to find signs to follow which I did. It lead me to this most amazing shopping centre and a beautiful music store Lied within it. Sonic boom huh, I went to check it out, it had every instrument to records there but right now I had to get Laura something that would show her she's my whole world.

I ran to a card store, a florist and then finally a jewellery store and in there I saw a beautiful necklace that Laura would love. It was a music note and you could have it customised, I had to buy it no matter the price. I walked in to the jewellery shop.

"Excuse me may I buy necklace 3456754" I said.

"Of course, will you be customising that?" The employee asked.

"Yes, thanks" I said and she took note of what I said and then wrapped it all up for me.

I walked out of the shop and went back to my car and wrote the card, I wanted to make this just a little bit better, so I put in my key necklace that she loved and now she can have the key to my heart.


Okay, I would just like to thank my Rossome readers for reading my story
and voting or commenting it's really nice to know people like what you do. Also I won't be naming chapters anymore as it gives things away, make sure to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE!!!! Thanks so much guys again!

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