Chapter 36

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Laura POV

I feel so lucky to have Ross in my life he's the best thing that has happened and never left...well kinda anyways.

"Awww Ross, I love you" I say looking into his eyes.

"I love you so much Laur" he replies, just like that my heart literally skips a beat, I don't know what it is about Ross but he gives me this weird feeling it's like it hurts so much to love someone and have them love you back it's truly amazing and I don't think I could trade that for the world.

"Ross" I say laying on his chest as he slides down on the couch.

"Yeah?" He asks

"Have you ever thought of us spending our whole life together?" I ask. He takes a deep breath and sighs. Oh no...

"Of course, it's all I think about when you're not with me" he says and a rush of relief runs over my whole body. "You know I really do love you and wouldn't change anything we've been through, it's made us stronger and my love more eternal towards you, not that it wasn't before" he says with a blush and a small smile.

I stay silent and snuggle into his chest as small tears escape my eyes, I try to hide them but it's not use.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I'm just so happy and sad and overwhelmed, I mean Charlotte is gone, I loved her so much, she was my world, even if I didn't spend my whole time with her, she knew I loved her, I sent her letters and emails all the time, we used to video chat every once and a while and I used to visit as well, she was so beautiful, I don't even care if she was an accident by a crime, she was my world and now she's gone" I say tears now pouring, I pulled out a picture of her and held it to my heart "but...I still have you and that has to better than no one caring or loving me at all, Ross I love you so much and I know I didn't say it at first but I want to let you know that and I love you for all you've done for me, I got thinking though what's gonna happen after senior year you're gonna go back on tour, most likely and I wanna go to university and have a career, what happens then, you are my rock, I need you" I say taking a deep breath after that speech. It was true though what is going to happen when we leave school...I don't want to lose him but luck is never on my side.

"Laura, no matter the situation I will find a way to see you, find you, I will always love you, you can't just forget someone so special to you, whatever I have to do to be near you I will do" he says, he shifted up slightly and wrapped his big,muscles arms around my tiny frame, he was warm and I felt safe when he held me. "Well our senior year starts in a few weeks so better make the most of what we've got left of summer! And we've finished the tour so I'm all yours everyday, that's if you want me" he says with a wink.

"Of course I want to be with you" I say leaning on his chest, he leans in slowly and his touch was so gentle and sweet, the kiss was so passionate, I got lost in the movement of the kiss that I didn't realise it had turned into a bit of a make out session, I didn't mind really.

"Ew, couldn't that have waited till we got home we are almost there"Ratliff says walking in covering his eyes then walking back out."you guys keep it PG... are you done in there?" He shouts.

"Yes we are and it was barely anything dude" Ross says passing over my mug.

"You say that but I'm a sensitive being" he says with really bad dramatic acting.

"Yeah I'd work on that acting because if that's you at your best then I'd give up now" I say.

"Ouch, that hurt" Ratliff says wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"You need a hug" Rocky says walking to Ratliff and hugging him.

"Um guys what were you doing?" Rydel says gesturing to Ross and I, I didn't actually realise I was still on top of him.

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