Chapter 37

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Laura's POV

I was laying with Ross, just thinking about tomorrow. New semester was starting and if I'm honest I'm scared to death. We had hardly spoken about it but I knew it was best to keep us (me and Ross) under wraps for a while. If people knew they would just hurt him and bring him down, I can't do that to him. We needed to focus on our studies, it's our last year and it just needs to be over with. Private lives can be separated from the public. Before summer and the tour I had, had a hard life and I didn't want to bring that upon Ross as well, maybe I may have a better school year this year, maybe some people have changed.
Yes I was scared but I didn't really want to show it, I did want to seem weak anymore.

I started to stroke Ross's messy blonde hair whilst thinking of possible outcomes of tomorrow, I mean, yeah, sure it could be fine but on the other hand it may be exactly where I left it before tour.

"Hey, are you alright?" I heard Ross whisper.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said bluntly, I don't know whether I should tell him to keep us a secret as school or if he'll just go against it anyways.

"No you're not, what's got you so down?" He asked sitting up and wrapping his arms around me.

I Sighed "well I was just thinking that maybe it's not such a good idea to tell people about us" I said.

"But why not? Are you ashamed to be dating me?" He asked.

"No, no it's just that I don't want you tormented like I was and possibly still will be, I just want us to have a good senior year and focus on our studies, so we can have a bright future" I said now facing him even though he couldn't see me as it was dark.

"Is that what you want?" He asks me, he just has so many questions about this.

"Yes, we can still be together at home and out of school just not at school, I think it's best if you stay out of the mess I've created" I said.

"Ok" he simply said "I'm going to sleep now, I need my beauty sleep" he says sliding back down the bed and is moved with him resting my head on his chest and once again just listening to the steady beat of his heart.

I felt like I'd barely had any sleep when my alarm when of at 6:30. I dragged myself out of bed and out of Ross's grip and went to shower. The warm water hit my skin and gave me goose bumps it felt so good just to relax before I get to school. I washed my hair and body then got out of the shower and shouted Rydel to tell her it was now free. I envy the boys as they don't have to get up as early to look good. I wish it was that way for me as well.

My towel was fully secured around my body by my hand holding it so I started to walk back to Ross and I's room, we used to share with Ryland as well but now he shares with Rocky.

"Hey Laura" Ross said flirtatiously to me raising and eyebrow.

"Get out or turn around" I said.

"Sorry no can do" he smirked. I didn't really have a comeback to that so I shoved him out the door and lock him out.

"Haha, now what you gonna do" I shouted through the door rummaging for my underwear.

"I think not" Ross said looking through the window stood on a bit of roof. I gasped and tried to shut the the window but he had already climbed through.

"You" I said hitting him playfully.

"Hey, hey, hey" he said putting his arms up in surrender and backing towards the wall.

"I'm not going to have anytime for breakfast now, thanks to you" I whined.

"Fine I'll buy you breakfast" he said.

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