Chapter 31

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Laura POV

It's been about a week since the whole Christmas incident and I think Ross is over it now. I decided its best if I don't date right now because well...I'm still in love with Ross, I try not to show it too much but I'm still completely head over heels for him. I don't know what it is about him but he's just something different compared to other dudes I've come across.

We are now in London and it's awesome, Big Ben, the London eye, very fascinating land marks. We decided to actually take a ride on the London eye as well I may never get the chance again.

"Can we have 9 tickets for the eye please" Stormie said.

"Yes that will be £75".

"Woah that's a bit pricey but okay" Stormie said as she handed over the money.

"Okay guys enjoy your ride" the employee said with great enthusiasm. I really wanted to enjoy this ride but all I could see was Ross moping around, I don't like it but I could just go back to him so easily.

"Wow this is amazing" Rydel says.

"I agree, it beautiful up here" I say as we near the top of the wheel.

"It's beautiful but not as beautiful as Laura" Ross mumbles.

"Awww, you're such a cutie sometimes, Ross but no" I say giggling and I swear I see even just the tiniest smile and sparkle in his eyes.

"It's true though" he says.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I ask.

"Of course but it's not just your looks even your personality is beautiful!" He says.

"Aww Ross that's sweet" I say going up to him and hugging him, he was a bit tense at first, maybe shock but then he hugged back and gosh I'd missed his hugs, his sweet, intoxicating but addictive smell, the way his muscles wrap around me making me feel safe and at home, how his hand rests on my shoulder or head.

"It feels good to be in your warm embrace again" I say to Ross as I feel his steady breathing and listen to his heart beat a mile a minute.

"It feels good too to have you back in my arms" he says and I can feel him smile.

"Laura, I just need to let you know that I miss you so much I can't eat I can't sleep I miss you so much and really need you back in my life even if we were to be just friends, I just need us to be us again" he says to me starring right into my eyes.

"I know I do too but I need time".

"Okay" Ross sighs as we walks away from me looking out of the glass. I walk over to Rydel I could really use some girl talk later.

"Hey girl" I say.

"Heya" she replies.

"I could really use some girl talk later how about me and you go for a coffee later?" I suggest and she nods.

"Okay" I laugh.

"Where are we going next?" Riker asks.

"The London dungeons!" Ratliffs exclaims.

"But that's scary" I whine.

"More of a reason to go" rocky smiles and winks.

"But I'll get scared" I say again.

"You can always hold my hand" Ross says shyly.

"Thank you" I reply. We walk off of the eye and head to the dungeons and already I feel terrified, I'm not sure what to expect really but I'm going to do it anyways.

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