Chapter 24

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Laura POV
I was walking down the stairs when everyone came to the bottom and was staring at me weirdly.

"Um is there some wrong my my outfit or hair?" I said feeling really self-conscious about my look.

"Do you wanna tell her?" Rocky turned to Ross.

"Um okay sure" he said monotone. Oh please tell me it's something good.

"What is it?" I was getting really worried now.

"You can come on tour with us" he said, I couldn't be more excited than now.

"Oh my gosh that's amazing, where do we get to go?" I couldn't wait to visit all these places with my boyfriend, finally I feel like life is going my way.

"We're going all around Europe!" He said excitedly.

"Oh my wow I've always wanted to go to London and Paris, this is going to be amazing."

"It's even better because I'll be with you!" He said.

"aww Rossy that's so sweet" I said.

"Rossy?"he laughed and I giggled.

"Yeah what's up with that?" I said.

"Nothing" he smirked.

"Okay then..." I was suspicious.

"When do we leave?" I turned to Ross and jumped around his waist to stare him in the eyes.

"Tomorrow so we should really go get your suit case packed ones we've got your stuff from your house" he said with his hot breath on my neck, it was mesmerising.

"Okay should we get going now?"

"Yeah sure let me grab my shoes" he said running upstairs and then running back down to grab me from behind.

"Okay I'm ready now" he said.

We headed back to my house and when we got back the door was already open.

"What I didn't leave the door open" I said out loud but I was really confused I hadn't left the door open.

"What you must've" he replied.

"But I didn't" I said.

"Oh no" he said.

"Way to make me feel better Ross" he was making me really nervous.

I ran inside and upstairs to check if my possessions where still there especially the necklace my mum gave me before she died.

"No, no this can't be" I began to cry.

"What's up Laura?" He comforted me.

"Just go away Ross I don't want to see you" I snapped.

"No I'm not leaving" he ran up to me and held onto my wrists so I couldn't move.

"No" I shouted falling to the ground still in Ross' grip "it can't be gone it's all I had left" I cried, I have nothing of my mums left and she's dead.

"It's okay Baby we can find it" he assured me.

"No, we can't, don't be so stupid Ross as to think I'll ever see it again, if your not gonna be helpful just leave me alone" I screamed at him. He said nothing but a tear threatened his eye.

"I was just trying to help" he said as his voice cracked and he walked away.

Very sorry if there are any spelling or punctuation mistakes I wanted to upload this ASAP, and it would have been uploaded quicker but I had homework really overdue and I had to do that first hope you like this I'm trying to add more drama and things but yeah haha! Vote Comment whatever ;) haha Stay ROSSOME!!!!

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