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I know it's been along time. Last time I think I wrote in there I was happy. I think... Well it's the end of my spring break. Prom is coming up and I already have my dress. It's black and white masquerade so cool right? You know that feeling where the world spins around you and everything goes around so perfectly, I wish I could feel like that again. You know your first love, where that feeling still sticks around no matter how many people you go through. The feeling doesn't feel the same as it did when you where with that person well I keep feeling it. The fact that I think I still love him more then anyone else in the world. where I always believed that I was his soul mate. It doesn't hurt when I think of him but I feel like I'm missing. I miss everything about him because I love his imperfections how stupid and weird he is I'm still that girl that falls for it no matter what. 
You must think I'm crazy or insane to be still in love with him. The fact it's been 5 months since our break up. The fact that he still lingers in my mind. I can't think of anyone that could make me happier than I was with him.

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