Chapter 2

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Uruha's POV

"Sheesh, Uruha, you're no fun."

"Relax noseband. It was just an act." I assured the blonde who kept on sighing in desperation. Seriously, his sighs were annoying. And the truth is, I was never kind to that nerd. Everything was just an act.

"I so love my Kouyou." Aoi chuckled as he placed his arm around my shoulder. He moved his face closer to mine like he was about to kiss me. Luckily, I pushed him away.

"Aoi-san, we both know that we're both straight. We're still in high school and we're not yet a famous visual kei band. This fanservice will have to wait." I stated a speech which killed me because of this raven haired guy. I'm not really into much of fanservice or something. Well sorry, we're not a visual kei band yet. We're just gangsters in my beloved-hated school, the Canthory Academy.

I really don't know why the heck my family named the school Canthory. They said it was too common to name the school with your last name. Well, it does sounds weird if the school was named Takashima Academy. It doesn't sound appropriate. The school is only for rich people like us so Canthory sounds more appropriate than Takashima.

Anyway, why are we talking about my school? My business here is to make that nerd's life miserable. Well, I already made her life miserable these past 2 years. I'll make it worse by being nice to her.

"Hey Uruha, shouldn't you be announcing about welcoming the freshmen?" Ruki spoke as I sat down on the couch at the student council room.

"Maybe later." I replied lazily and lied down on the couch.

I heard Kai chuckled. "My, my. Our student council president is lazy. Now this is new."

He commented as the rest of the idiots laughed. I glared each one of them to give them a hint that I am annoyed.

"Shut up, Kai!" I hissed.

"Reita-kun! Uruha-san is bullying me!" God, Kai is such a baby. Why would he suddenly go to that noseband idiot whenever I would bully him? He knew that Reita won't help him either, sheesh.

"Uke Yutaka, get your hands off my Akira!" The chibi screeched.

"No way, he's mine!" Kai replied.

"Ruki, I'm here." Aoi chimmed in.


Sigh. Just imagine what was happening. I was facing the opposite direction. I couldn't narrate what was going on so it's up to you to decide whether you will imagine the scene or not.

"Reita, don't ever stick to that drummer and come over here!" Ruki.

"He won't come to you because he loves me." Kai.

"Sigh, why do I have to be forever alone?" Aoi.

"Reita, get your ass over here!" Ruki.

"Even if he chooses you, Ruki, I won't give him to you." Kai.

"You still have me Ruki." Aoi.

"GUYS, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed. Seriously, are they gay or something? If they are, then they should choose whoever they want. Sheesh, why do they have to argue in such small things?

"Uruha, relax. We're just fooling around." Ruki commented.

"That's not a good excuse for annoying my crap out." I replied.

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