Chapter 31

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Aika's POV

Three days before the Sports Festival. Yes, it’s only three days before the sports fest. And it was also a good timing since Uruha will be back next week. If the festival was launched this week, he would’ve probably missed it and I would surely feel bad because he was the student council president and he worked hard for this festival.

Earlier, I did have the courage to break our MU relationship but I still feel guilty because I hurt Reita. I still couldn’t erase the sound of his faint sobs earlier at the rooftop. I never wanted to hurt him, heck I never wanted to break our relationship but it’s for the best. If we’re not officially together, then no more trouble for us.

After lunch break, Reita finally came down from the rooftop and he sure do looked like he was just finished crying. I stared at him for a couple of seconds until I caught his attention. He looked at me directly in the eye but he quickly cut it off and went to his table. He didn’t even bother talking to me like nothing happened. But I won’t try to get his attention until he’s ready. We still have to move on after what happened.

The classes are almost over. And since I am the secretary of the student council government, I am surely frigging pooped. Working, enumerating and completing the events for the sports fest sure is a pain in the ass. But I must do it since Uruha trusted me to work on this since he was still having a rest and his body must not be stressed out or else, it would be really bad for his health.

Last 10 minutes before going home. I am double checking the events and schedule for the festival to make sure it is organized. And by the time I finished double checking, the school’s finally over.

I stood up from my table and went to Uruha’s table. I made sure that it was cleaned so that when he will be back, his working space would look presentable.

“Aika-chan, you sure do like double checking to make sure everything’s cleaned on my brother’s table.” Yura yelled.

“Yeah, I noticed that as well. Don’t tell me that you fell in love with Uruha just because he confessed his love to you.” I saw Aoi grinned at me while the others are giving me mischievous smirks.

“Hurusai.” I retorted and my attention went to Reita’s. I looked at him and he surely looks crossed. He stood up, picked his things and went past me. He even bumped on my shoulder but he just ignored it and went outside the student council room.

“What’s wrong with him?” Ruki suddenly asked, raising his eyebrows at the direction where Reita left.

“Ruki, Aika broke up with Reita.” I heard Kai whispered.

“WHAT!? SHE BROKE UP WITH REITA!?” The chibi screamed which caught everybody’s attention. They all looked at me, shocked after what they heard. I just sighed and nodded. Everybody except Kai (since I told him about it first) asked me why but I preferred to stay silent. I’ll just answer their questions when I’m ready.

I told Yura that I will visit Uruha today. Well, I always visit him whether he’s confined inside the hospital or not. And yeah, this will be my first time stepping inside Uruha’s mansion.

While we were on our way to the Takashima residence, Yura and I had a few chitchats inside Uruha’s limousine. We were just planning on our performance at the school fest which will be held next week. And I already did tell you that I am now an official member of their band.

By the time we arrived, holy cow. Their residence sure is huge. Well, I already saw it last time but it still never failed to amaze me. The Takashima clan sure is rich.

“Welcome to our home. Come in.” Yura welcomed and of course, my jaw dropped until it reaches hell. Just kidding but seriously, my jaw was wide open.

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