Chapter 42

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Aika's POV

Today is the second day of the sports festival. I still clearly remember what happened to Ruki and the GazettE's teammate. I couldn't shake the thought off. Seeing how Alice Nine plays a game makes me worried about the GazettE even more.

It's so fucking hooot!

Second day of the sports fest...I wonder what's going on. Is Ruki okay? How about Kai? Is Yura still infuriated? (Wait, I don't have to ask the obvious about Yura.) What about Reita, is he okay? And Uruha...

I'm burning!

Am I inside a human-sized oven!?

I slowly opened my eyes and in an instant, the sunrays blinded me permanently...just kidding. I blinked my eyes a few times and rubbed the sleepiness away. Just as I was about to sat up, my body felt heavy. And my head hurts...a lot.

There was a knock on the door. I stared at it for a few seconds then I answered, "Come in,"

My voice was hoarse.  My throat hurts as well.

The door opened and it revealed my mother. She smiled at me and sat on my bed. She placed her palm on my forehead, probably to check my temperature.

"How are you feeling, dear?" She asked in her mother tongue language.

"I feel dead," No offense. I feel like I became a zombie.

"That's because you have a flu." My mom told me seriously and brushed my hair which made me dizzy.

"Mom, please stop with the brushing of my hair. I feel like the world's spinning too fast."

"Okay sweetie. Just make sure you eat the food I prepared for you. And get some rest." She calmly said and walked towards the door. I simply nodded which was a bad idea since it felt like my head was punched.

"Oh, before I forget, your friends are coming to visit." She hummed and exited my room.

I see...wait...WHAT!?

I quickly covered myself in my blanket and walked outside and leaned on the frame door to prevent myself from losing my balance. It really feels like the world is spinning fast.

"Mom, please don't let them see me in this state." I panicked.

But mom just giggled. "Your boyfriend insisted and I simply couldn't say no to the person who bullied you."

I seriously became annoyed. Uruha is not yet my boyfriend. And isn't that ironic that the person who bullied me fell in love with some lowly pathetic nerd? What the heck am I saying!? Maybe this is just a side effect of my flu.

Before I could protest, I noticed my mom's outfit. She was wearing a blue blouse, a black skirt and a white doll shoes. Her curly hair was in a side ponytail and she was wearing a light make-up.

"Mom, where are you going?" I asked.

"The office has a press conference and we employees have to look presentable. Well, I'm off. Don't wanna be late~!" She hummed happily and went off. I slowly walked down the stairs to remind her about my friends. But it was already too late since I heard Uruha's voice.

"We'll take care of her."

"Oh please do~!"

Mom, why did you do this to me!?

I was already at the living room, trying to catch up but the door opened and tada! It revealed the GazettE and my bandmates.

"Aika, what are you doing? You should be in bed!" Yura exclaimed. She squatted down and tried to pick me up. I was actually on the floor, crawling like an earthworm.

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