Chapter 21

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Aika's POV

~ At the cafeteria ~

It was lunch time again. Yes, the GazettE's fangirls were insecure, again. Why? You guys already knew the answer.

"Ahh...these bitches are so fucking annoying." The chibi growled.

"Watch your mouth, Ruki." Kai mumbled while munching his food.

"Just don't mind them." Reita commented.

Ruki stood up and playfully attempting to punch Reita. "Just because you have Aika doesn't mean you have to advice us like that!!!"

I laughed along with Reita, Aoi and Kai while the chibi was pouting. Just then, Uruha slammed the table which caught our attention and stood up. "Gochisousama deshita." He muttered and left.

What the heck is wrong with him?

"He didn't finished his food again." Kai sighed.

I stared at the direction where he went for a few minutes until it was interrupted by someone pulling a chair. I looked at the other side where the sound came from and I saw Aoi was already standing up.

I looked at him with curiosity. He opened his eyes and looked at me. Then he looked at the direction where Uruha went. "I'll talk to him."

He said and brushed the dirt out of his clothes to look more presentable. But before he had a chance to leave, Reita stood up as well, catching my attention and made me look at him.

"No, Aoi. I'm going to talk to him."

Reita was about to head the plece where Uruha went when Ruki pat his shoulder. "Aoi should. Aika's going to worry again."

"Yeah. And besides, Aika is still traumatized and she needs you." Aoi assured left. He smiled and looked at me. He leaned closer and kissed my head.

"Aww. I'm kinda jealous now." Kai frowned. And the moment was ruined when Ruki smacked him.

"Why don't you let Aoi do that to you?"

Reita and I laughed while Kai continued to frown. Then he laughed along with us. It lasted for a few minutes then we calmed ourselves down.

I took a deep breath to prevent myself from laughing again after what Ruki said to Kai. Then I asked them what is the first period in the afternoon. But they just laughed at me.

"You really are a nerd." Ruki said, still in hysterics.

I pouted. Just then, Reita pat and messed my hair. "We don't have any periods this afternoon. We're going to practice for the sports festival which will be held two weeks from now."

My lips formed an "Ah" then I nodded my head. Damn. Sports. I was never good at those things and I will never be. Great.

~ At the school gym ~

Well, here we were. Inside this fucking gymnasium to practice for the shitty sports festival.

Physical Education was the subject in school I despise the most. Finals? World competition? Olympics? Nah, I don't need them. Those crappy things will just annoy the heck out of your life. The country's champion hero? Yeah right.

I am currently sitting at the corner, waiting for my turn at the volleyball game. Just perfect.

The gymnasium was too big to be a volleyball court so it was divided into two. Girls are playing volleyball while the boys are playing basketball.

I wasn't looking at the girls playing the first game. I was looking at the GazettE who were playing basketball. So they belong in the sports team as well. I'm impressed. They're so amazing. They don't just play music, they're also sporty. I feel out of place now.

"Second batch for the volleyball game, please step inside the court." The coach announced. Just fucking great.

I stepped inside the court as the others did. I know the hand gestures, hand patterns and the rules of this game. I just really don't know how to play it. How glorious, isn't it?

The game started when the coach blowed the whistle. This might be a training but we have to take this seriously. We were going to compete with other school teams. And since Canthory Academy has the highest championship rank in Japan, I'm pretty sure Uruha wouldn't want us to lose to those "low-ranked schools."

Who cares if I'm not participating in my training. I'd rather be one of the audience, watching the GazettE's basketball game. For the second time, they are so amazing. And I must say this, don't ever underestimate Ruki. He might be small but he never let Aoi shoot the ball through the ring of the chibi's team.

Uruha's good as well, I must admit that. I could really tell that he was making strategies while playing the game in order for his team to win. And I could also tell that he, Reita and Ruki were on the same team since their jersey was blue while Aoi and Kai's were black.

In front of their jersey, their band name was printed in Old English font. At the back, their respective surnames was printed above their chosen numbers in Times New Roman font. Uruha's was Takashima; 09, Reita's was Suzuki; 14, Aoi's was Shiroyama; 24, Ruki's was Matsumoto; 05 and Kai's was Uke; 20.

I was still distracted on their game. They sure do have teamwork. And I couldn't hear anything except the squeaks of their shoes while running, whistle blowing and the swish of the ring net when the ball was shot through it. I was only snapped out of my thoughts when someone from the opponent's team yelled.

"Okazaki-san, look out!"

I looked up and saw the ball headed towards me. It was too fast for me to dodge and I seriously don't know how to play volleyball. The next thing I knew, I was hit by the ball which made me stumble backwards and fell. What was worse is that my head bumped on the slippery and cold floor of the gym. But I didn't lost consciousness.

"Okazaki-san, daijoubu desu ka?"

Oh yes, I'm fine. Sheesh.

I could hear the students gather around me including the GazettE while I slowly sat up. I touched my head and it really hurts. Then I felt a warm and thick liquid flowed out. I really don't know where it came from. It just flowed out.

As I look up, every student was shocked. I raised my eyebrow, obviously curious. Then the coach spoke something I never expected.

"Your nose is bleeding."

I touched my nostril and I gasped when I saw my index finger covered in blood. I heard a squeak and someone ran towards me. He stood behind me and covered my nose with a...noseband? Yes, it was a noseband.

I turned around to see who it was and I saw Reita. He was completely different without his noseband. Wait, if he wrapped his noseband around my nose, how the fuck do I look!?

"Reita, what're you doing?" I asked him as he helped me stand up. But he didn't answer my question. Instead, he gave me instructions.

"Press your nose and keep your head low." He demanded and I followed his order without hesitation.

We walked out of the gym and the rest of the GazettE followed. Someone walked on my right side, grabbed my arm and placed it around his shoulder. I turned around and saw Uruha.

The memories struck my head. I remember when he was so nice to me. But I never wanted to remember the past especially when he revealed that he was just pretending to be nice towards me during the freshmen orientation.

I shook those memories off and yanked my arm away from his. He looked at me with curiositu but I just told him to leave us alone for a while.

He stopped walking and so does Ruki, Aoi and Kai. I could really feel that he was looking at me, worried. I tried my best to ignore it and I felt relieved when Reita and I arrived at the infirmary.

I should rest. Maybe if I woke up, I'll forget the past.


A/N: Hana Yori Dango moment. XD

Sorry if the update took long. Laziness attacked and I'm really sorry when it became unfinished. I updated this earlier and when I refresh the Wattpad here in my phone, some parts of the chapter were removed. -____-V

Anywhore, please vote and comment.

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