Chapter 16

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Uruha's POV

~ At the rooftop ~

"Could you please explain this to me? Why is there a broken fence?"

"I don't fucking know."

"Oh c'mon, Uruha. Just answer my question!"

"I said I don't FUCKING KNOW!!! And it's none of my business!!!"

Reita grabbed my collar and we inched closer. "Watch your mouth, Kouyou. I'm still older than you."

He released me from his grip and went closer to the broken fence he was talking about.

"Didn't you know that this was the reason why Aika and I almost died!? If the principal didn't call a rescue team, we were probably dead by now! You should fix this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" The blonde yelled, emphasizing the last four words.

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply. It was her fault for distancing away from Reita. Was she even blind!? How could she not notice that broken fence!?

"Uruha, I know what you're thinking right now. Stop being so arrogant!" Reita hissed and gave me a death glare.

For some reason, I wanted to punch this guy. They really should be thankful that they're both alive. Sheesh.

Reita started to walk towards me then his next move surprised me. He punched me in the face.

"Oh sh...t! What the heck was that for, you nose less idiot!? Aika gave me a black eye already! And it's not yet fading!"

He rolled his eyes and sighed. This fucking bitch...

"It's your fault for humiliating her in front of the campus."

My patience reached its limit and I went closer to him and punched him back. It didn't made me feel better. It made me feel worse than hell. I wanted to punch him even more.

"Fuck," Reita murmured and touched the side of his lips which is now bleeding. I guess my punch worked.

"You bitch," He muttered under his breath and started sprinting towards me then he punched me again. I returned his punches back until we started a boxing tournament. How glorious.

"Uruha, Reita, calm down!" Kai demanded but none of us listened to him.

"Damn you, you nose less idiot!!!" I screamed and cupped my cheek that was now bleeding.

"Don't you dare bring my nose into this! I'm going to crack your nose if you say that again!!!" Reita hissed as he took off his noseband that was covered in blood and continued to punch me.

We continued to punch each other like we were in a boxing match. We didn't even care if Ruki, Aoi and Kai were here.

I was starting to feel good since I was winning this battle and beating Reita up. But it quickly disappeared when Aoi pulled me back while Kai and Ruki forced Reita to stop.

"Let me go!!!" I struggled to get away from Aoi's grip.

"That's enough, Uruha!!!" Kai screamed at me.

A smirk formed at the left side of my lips. Then I gave them a death glare as I say these words, "So, you guys are betraying me, eh? You will regret it."

Reita managed to get away from Kai and Ruki's grip. "Just because you own the school doesn't mean you have to be an arrogant!!!" He screamed and punched me again. Since I was still in Aoi's grip, the blonde's punch made us step back.

"WTF!? Reita, I'm still here! You'll ruin my beautiful face!" Aoi frowned.

"Huruse! I'm going to break your face if you say that again!" I screamed and kicked his ass which made him yelp in pain.

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