Chapter 13

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Uruha's POV

"Uruha doesn't seem to be in a genki mood."

"Maybe he's frustrated."


"Because his conscience was scolding him and telling him to say sorry to Aika."

"Shut up!" I screeched while my face was still on top of the table. Like what the fuck? Why would I be frustrated? I already told myself that it was Aika's fault for being easily deceived.

I was concentrating on how to find that person who was trying to ruin my name. No one would ever have the guts to go against the Takashima clan and this asshole is an exception. I'll make sure that his ashes won't exist in this world.

My concentration was continuous until it was disturbed by a loud scream coming from the rooftop.


I was fucking annoyed again. I rose my head and screamed inside the student council room. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! DARE GA OMAE?!"

"Uruha, calm down," Kai commented and removed his fingers from his ears.

"You're the one who should shut up, Uruha. We will be deafs soon if you keep on screaming." Ruki added and sighed deeply.

"Urusai. I will make you deaf if you'll keep on blabbering." I retorted and smacked the table.

Aoi sighed out of frustration, "Uruha will you please calm down?" He paused for almost a minute and narrowed his eyes at the see-through glass window. Then he spoke something I never expected, "Isn't that...Aika?"

I tilted my head at the window. I saw a student, clinging at the rooftop. The figure was familiar so I went closer to the window to take a closer look at the figure. Aoi was indeed correct. It was Aika.

"What the heck is she doing there?" Kai questioned, panicking.

"Maybe she's committing suicide." Ruki replied emotionlessly.

I got irritated so I went closer to the chibi and slugged him at the stomach. "Dude, this is serious. No one in Japan would want to commit suicide! This is fucking insane! We may bully her but I couldn't bear to see another life be taken away in this world!"

My three fellow bandmates looked at me like I was drunk.

"Wow. Is that you, Takashima Kouyou?" Aoi questioned and raised his eyebrow.

"Since when did you start taking drugs, Uruha?" Ruki laughed.

I twitched and threatened them, "I will push you off this building if you don't shut up."

"We're just kidding." Aoi laughed.

I rolled my eyes and focused them back at the window. Wow. This really is some serious situation.

I decided to watch for a while. I could hear the faculty members and the students panicking. I stayed calm and watched her life getting at risk.

The tension was really low until I sae another familiar figure walking towards the nerd.

Holy fucking sh...t!

"Hey, isn't that Reita?" Aoi questioned.

I heard Kai spat something from his mouth, "What the eff is he doing there!?"

"Maybe he's trying to kill her!" Ruki exclaimed.

"What for!?" Kai and Aoi chorused.

"I don't fucking know!"

This nose less idiot has gone too far. This is not bullying anymore. It's killing a person!

My hands curled into tight fists on the table. I clenched my teeth due to my anger. Then, I started sprinting away from the student council room and headed towards the rooftop. Kai, Aoi and Ruki followed me as well.

"Chotto matte, Uruha!" They yelled in unison. But I didn't even bothered to listen. I just kept on running and running towards the rooftop.

We were almost there when I heard another scream coming from the nerd. And it was something I never expected again,



Author's POV

Uruha's knees instantly fell weak after what he heard. This can't be happening. Why? Why does it have to be now?

He walked towards the rooftop fence and grabbed its baluster. He tried to peek at the scenery below but he just couldn't take it.

He doesn't want his bestfriend to die.


Aika's POV

"Reita, open your eyes. Onegai."

I muffled through his chest. I was sobbing because I couldn't take this situation anymore. My subconscious was telling me that whether I like it or not, Reita is dead. And there's nothing I could do about it.

No. No. NO!!! Reita is not yet dead!

I really owe my life to him for warning me from Uruha's bullying plans. And now, he risked his life just to save me.

My subconscious was blaming me. It was all my fault for not believing him. I never had a chance to thank him. And I will never had a chance anymore because he is dead.

I was still sobbing through his chest when I felt him move. I rose my head and stared at him. Then he mumbled and rubbed his eyes like he just woke up. Then he sat up and rubbed the back part of his head.

"Itte!!! Your rescue blanket is too hard! It felt like I really fell on the ground!!!"

My eyes were overjoyed to see him awake. He's not dead. He is okay. He is alive.

The blonde turned his head back at me and stared at my crying face. "Omae,"

I didn't gave him a chance to finish his sentence. I cut him off by giving him a tight embrace.

"Thank goodness. You're okay."

I was really overjoyed. I was happy, so happy that I didn't notice that he hugged me back.

"Of course I'm fine. Didn't you notice the rescue team when you were still clinging at the rooftop?" He whispered in my ear.

I just laughed at his statement but I didn't reply. I was just happy that this man in front of me is alive. I really don't care if everyone in school was looking at us awkwardly. What's important is that both if us are alive and okay.

"Don't be such an OA, Aika. We're fine."

Reita snapped me back to reality and I just realized that everyone were looking at us awkwardly. I blushed so deep, I bet my face was redder than a riped tomato.

He snorted and bursted into laughter after he saw my face. It was embarrassing but it made me smile.

Reita is a kind person after all.



Finally. It's out.

I think Aika's having a crush on Reita. :D

Anyway, please vote and comment. :)

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