Chapter 9

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Uruha's POV

The five of us went to our house for some band bonding. I really need to cool my head off. And what was worse is my mom was there. I didn't even had a chance to take these sunglasses off since that little runt gave me a black eye.

As we entered the house, golden chandeliers that were lit up were hanging at the ceiling. Huge vases that costs a hundred thousand yen were placed at every corner of the room.

The golden couch was facing our huge, black and flat-screen television that was on the top of the television panel with dvd players below each shelf.

Two speakers were placed at the either side of the television. There was also a coffee table in front of a half million yen golden couch and a red carpet at the bottom.

Then of course, our maids and butlers were in two lines - one line for the butlers and one line for the maids - approached us with a greeting, "Welcome home, Master." while bowing down.

I smiled as a reply and saw mom was at the living room, checking some papers and documents for the company. The five of us walked inside. Reita, Kai, Ruki and Aoi were already welcomed here since they were my childhood friends and our parents were business partners.

Before we climbed the stairs, the four idiots greeted my mother like they usually do when they visit me here. I was the only one who didn't greet my mom. It was not in my nature. Besides, mom is always outside the country for work. She rarely comes back to Japan so I'm used to come in without greeting her.

"Hello boys. Skipping classes, I see." Mom greeted back after the four guys greeted and kissed her cheek.

"Yeah. Are we allowed to?" Kai asked jokingly.

"Sure, as long as your grades won't fall." Mom laughed.

We were about to head upstairs where our music room was located when mom called me, "Kouyou, someone reported me about your behavior at school."


"Who was it, mom?" I tried to sound innocent but the truth is I really sound hilarious.

"A girl named Okazaki Aika." She replied while taking another folder of her documents.

Shit. Well that was quick.

"Mom, can we talk about this later? We have to practice." I made an excuse but...

"Kouyou, I want to talk this now." Mom strictly demanded while typing at her laptop.

I sighed hopelessly and followed her order. "All right mom. Give me a minute."

I went to my bandmates who were still standing at the stairs. Each of them gave me strange looks when I got back.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing," They answered in unison. "Anyway, what was that about?" Aoi questioned.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Can you guys go ahead? I still have to talk to mom."

"Sure, just be quick." Ruki replied.

I shook my head and sighed in frustration, "I don't know, Ruki. It depends on mom actually."

"We understand." Kai pat my shoulder and went upstairs with Aoi and Ruki. Reita was the only one left.

"Reita, what're you still doing here?" I asked.

The blonde ignored my question. He just walked past me and went to the kitchen.

"I'm kinda hungry. Kagura-san, can I have some food?" He hollered. I nearly smacked my head at the table. Ugh. This blonde is always hungry.

"Sure sweetie. Help yourself." Mom hollered back.

There was an unexplainable awkwardness when the silence wrapped the room. Mom was really strict. And every word she speaks is a law in the Takashima family. And so is my dad.

"Kouyou," Mom coughed.

"Yes?" I responded.

"I heard that you were bullying this girl." Oh crap. I really am in trouble.

"W-who?" I pretended to be innocent again.

"Kouyou, I know you're pretending. And you can't lie either." Mom looked at me straight in the eye.

I looked at her documents that were scattered on the table and remained silent.

"Answer my question, Kouyou, before I get angry." She demanded in her superior voice this time. And that was where I gave in.

"Y-Yes." I stammered.

Mom slammed the documents at the table which made me flinch. She stood up and glared at me. "What has gotten into you, Kouyou?" She questioned.

I remained silent and stared at her. And it irritated the fuck out of her. "Answer me!" She yelled.

"Nothing." I replied emotionlessly.

"Nothing? So tell me, why are you wearing sunglasses, Kouyou?" Mom asked me again. This time, she was walking towards me, attempting to take Ruki's sunglasses off my face.

I couldn't think of an excuse. That little nerd already made a huge black spot on my left eye. And I couldn't let mom see it. She would be pissed if she asked me again about what happened.

"Answer me Kouyou." She demanded again. Before I had a chance to speak, she grabbed Ruki's sunglasses and as expected, she was shocked.

"What happened?" She straightened her back and stared at me.

"Nandemonai," I replied.

"Who did this to you?" She questioned again.

"I said that it's nothing."

Mom slapped my face and looked at me angrily. "Nothing? I know someone won't punch you if you didn't start the fight."

I stared at her, irritated. I cupped my cheeks and wiped it until it reached my lips. I stared at my hands for a couple of seconds then my eyes went back to mom's.

"You just got here and the son gets this kind of greeting?" I muttered but loud enough for her to hear. Then I stood up, grabbed Ruki's sunglasses from my mother's hand and walked towards the stairs but before I had a chance to climb it, mom spoke.

"Apologize to her, Kouyou."

I stood there for a couple of seconds then went upstairs, ignoring mom's demand.

There is no way I'll apologize to that nerd! I'd rather die!

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