Chapter 12

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Uruha's POV

"Nanda kore!?" I questioned to the girl who gave us the newspapers. But she didn't answer and remained silent.

"NANDA KORE!?" I questioned angrily as I crumpled the newspaper and threw it on the floor near her. She flinched and started shivering.

"Gomenasai. Wakarimasen." She replied in her shaky voice. I got irritated and smacked the baluster. The girl flinched again and she jumped backwards a little bit.

I stomped my foot downstairs and quickly walked out of the cafeteria. I didn't even realized that I was too fast until I heard Kai, Aoi and Ruki's panting but I didn't care. I must find this person who was trying to ruin my name. I won't forgive that asshole.


Reita's POV

Uruha started to walk towards the student council room. His hand was curled into a tight fist. He was clenching his teeth like he was attempting to kill this person.

I was so glad when she reported Uruha's behavior. She was the only student who had a nerve to go against the heir of Takashima clan. But on the negative side, none of the students here in Canthory Academy believed her report.

She really needs help. I thought.

We were about to walk upstairs when I suddenly stopped before I could even step at the first staircase.

I was about to ran away when Ruki called my name. "Reita, where are you going?"

Crap. How should I tell him? Fuck. Reita, c'mon, you've got to think of an idea.

"Anyway, who cares? Just go wherever you want," Ruki snapped me back to reality and shooed me away using hand gestures. Then he mumbled something I couldn't even understand but I didn't care. I sighed in relief and immediately started sprinting around the campus to look for Aika. Then a thought popped out of my head.

She's at the rooftop. I'm sure of it!


Aika's POV

Goddammit. I should've known he was playing tricks on me. I shouldn't believe in hin in the first place. I humiliated myself in front of everyone by being friends with someone who's fake.

I should've listened to Reita.

That noseband guy has a point. I really should've listened to him. And if I did, my life wouldn't be a mess. My life was messier than two years ago.

I wrote an article about Uruha's behavior. I succeeded in spreading the news in the whole high school but I still have no idea if the whole campus believed in my article or not.

You are such a loser, Aika. My subconscious commented but I did my best to ignore it.

I was in the middle of arranging my jumbled thoughts when the door that lead to the rooftop where I was loitering suddenly opened. I turned around to see who the fuck it was but I gasped and my eyes grew wide when I saw Reita.

He was panting like he ran a 100 m marathon. Then he started to walk towards me while I slowly distanced myself away from the blonde. I was too focused on his image and I didn't realize I was at the edge of the rooftop. I even forgot that the part where I was standing had a broken fence. The wires. Then I fell down but I managed to grab the cement tight.

"Tasukete!!!" I screamed, loud enough for the whole campus to hear. Then all of a sudden, the faculty staffs and the students ran outside and after they saw my whole image, the teachers started panicking. I doubt my fellow students would do the same.

"Call an emergency rescue team!!!" I heard the principal screamed. I was surprised when the students panicked as well.

I prayed. I don't want to die yet despite the bad things happened to me. But if this is my fate, even if I'm not ready, I have no choice but face it.

"Aika, grab my hand."

I opened my eyes in shock and saw Reita, offering his hand. As much as I badly wanted to grab it, I refused it because who knows, he might be plotting something evil.

"Aika, please, grab my hand."

I shook my head. I could feel my hand shaking despite that I was gripping the cemented roof tight.

"Aika, are you willing to die or not!?" Reita screeched. He was really angry. Bur I still refused his order. I'd rather die by falling off the roof than die by pretending to help me but suddenly let go of my hand and you know what the fuck will happen next.

"This is one of Uruha's stupid plans again, eh? Well, he can't trick me this time. He was just using you so just fuck off. If you really don't care about me getting in danger, then get the hell out of here!!!" I managed to scream despite being scared in this one hell of a crappy situation.

"Are you stupid!? This is not one of Uruha's plans and I will never play along with his game! I am here to help you because I wanted to! Now, grab my hand if you don't want to die!!!" The blonde replied.

"No I won't!!!"

I was in a verge of tears when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. I struggled to get away from his grip. I know this is idiotic but maybe this is a part of his bullying plans. He wanted me to die.

I struggled so hard that he accidentally removed his grip and I fell down. I closed my eyes before landing on the ground. Then, I felt arms wrapped around me but I didn't bother to open my eyes. Somehow, I feel safe despite that we're both gonna die.

I felt a light thud and I was laying on something soft. I opened my eyes out of curiosity because I was supposed to fall down to the ground. I gasped in shock because I really couldn't believe what I saw.




Ohohoho. Another cliffhanger. XD

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Did Reita die? Find out on the next chapter soon. :D

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