Chapter 28

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Aika's POV

Two weeks left before the sports festival. Time sure flies fast. And I'm glad that there are more sports events to be held during the fest. Uruha was the one who organized these events that needed to be held. I have to admit, he's pretty good at handling meetings.

Well anyways, I have good news for Yura. If you guys are asking if it's about me joining the band of Yura, you'll find out soon.

So, here I am at the student council room, waiting for Reita, Scandal and the rest of the GazettE. The only Gazeboy here in the SC room is Kai. Yeah, remember him? The cute drummer of the GazettE with a big smile and dimples, yes, that's him. We were having a chess battle and it's almost over. And this is the fifth game.

I moved the bishop piece close to the opponent's king piece as I proudly said, "Checkmate."

Kai leaned his back on the couch and covered his face with both his palms while I smirked at the cute drummer. "You're good at this game."

I smiled, stood up only to sit beside him. "Well, chess is like a puzzle, and so does life. You just to find a way to checkmate your problems,"

Kai laughed and wrapped his arms around me, "No wonder Uruha fell in love with you."

What he just stated caught my ears, "What was that?"

He looked shocked after he realized about what he said. He covered his mouth as he murmured, "Crap." Kai started to become paranoid as he stood up and paced around the student council room. He started mumbling faster than I expected. I have to admit, I was amazed on how he practices tongue twister-no, just kidding. Seriously, if you could hear my fellow drummer right now, he really sounded like a person practicing for the upcoming tongue twister competition.

"Aika, please don't tell this to Uruha," He panted like he ran around the oval for 3 rounds and he repeat the sentence all over again until the door clicked open and look who barged in first. The one who owns the Canthory Academy and the student council president, who else? Takashima Kouyou.

"Don't tell me what, Kai?" He asked, obviously curious about Kai's paranoid whatever. Kai looked at the tall brunette, startled after he slammed the door open. He tried to spoke but his nervousness took his place. Instead of uttering words, he stammered.

Uruha raised his eyebrow then spoke something that made Kai's and my conscience offended. "Did you do something you shouldn't do to Aika?"

"HEY!" We screamed in unison. Then I heard Reita spoke, "Uruha haven't said anything yet. Your minds are so dirty."

"Shut up, Reita. You're the only one who's thinking that." Ruki interfered which made us laugh, even my future bandmates laughed as well except for Uruha. My smile faded away as I watched him walk towards his table and slumped himself. His problems were seriously-no, critically bothering him. He has been like this after I released my article about his attitude all over Japan.

I went towards him and sat in front of his table. "Uruha," I called.

"Yes?" I'm glad he answered but his voice was completely different.

"Are you okay?" There's no point in hiding my worry about him. Yes, I am very worried about him. I really don't know why but my stupid conscience and thoughts were bugging me to the point that I became worried about him.

He raised his head and looked at me for a millisecond, "Huh? What are you talking about?" Then he paused and sniffed. Shit.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" He finished his sentence and looked at me and gave me a sad smile. I could somehow feel the way he feels.

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