Chapter 5

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Aika's POV

"You’re too naive, Aika."

"E-Eh?" I don’t get it. I’m too naive? Why am I too naive? Too naive for what exactly?

"Uh Reita, what are you saying?" I asked and he laughed at me for asking such question.

"You really are too stupid for a nerd, Aika." I slapped him after he repeated the same sentence he said earlier. He cupped my face as he grabbed my hands and pinned it on top of my head. I can’t believe that my two hands can fit in his hand.

"I’m not saying that you’re stupid in your studies. To be honest, you are so smart but that smartness of yours becomes stupidity when it comes to reality." I suddenly stood there like a statue. Reality? I’m stupid when it comes to reality? Does he mean that’s Uruha’s playing tricks on me? No, that would be impossible. After all the things he had done to me, why would he suddenly betray me?

"Reita, I really don’t get what you’re saying—"

"Uruha is just betraying you. He was never nice to you and he will never be."

Once again, I froze like an ice. He’s betraying me? Why would he do it? Did I ever done something wrong to him? No, I must not believe every single word Reita says. Maybe he’s the one fooling around so that he could get rid of me. No way. I am staying with them whether he likes it or not. Whether I like it or not.

"No. I won’t believe you." I stated silently as he sighed.

"Fine. Have it your way. Just don’t let us see your crying face after he finishes it." He left me and walked upstairs. My head almost exploded. I just don’t get what’s he was talking about.  

Was he trying to break us apart? No, I won’t let that happen. Uruha and I just started our friendship and no one can tear us apart. Not even Reita.

As I walk back to my classroom, it was already my Physics class. I opened the door and as I was expecting, everybody’s attention was focused on mine. It felt like I was an exchange student. I just stood at the door like a statue.

I scanned everyone in my eyes and they never left their sight on me. I started functioning again when the teacher spoke. "Okazaki Aika, you’re late in my class. Go to the library." I knew it. Another humiliation scene, not by the GazettE but by the teacher.

I looked at my classmates who were now laughing at me. I accepted their laughs and amused—almost insulting-like- looks. I faked my smile, and nodded timidly as I walked outside the classroom.

As soon as I closed the door shut, their laughs and insults echoed outside. I’m glad that our Physics teacher shushed them. I sighed deeply and headed somewhere else than the library.


30 minutes passed since I was kicked out of my class. I didn’t follow my teacher’s instructions to go to the library. Instead, I roamed around the campus. I walked through the hallways like I know where I was but in fact, I’m already lost.

As I walk through the hallway, hoping that I would escape this infinity road, more hallways will appear as I exit the hallway I currently walked through. I sighed in annoyance. "Seriously, is this a campus or a maze?"

Since I had no choice, I walked through the hallway. I looked like an idiot, lost in my own campus. Why did I even enroll myself in this huge campus?

I lost my hope of escaping this hallway maze so I just walked aimlessly and since I was too busy sighing in annoyance and depression, I didn’t noticed that the stairs were in front of me. And guess what happened. Yep, I fell down again. And this must be abnormal. I should be bleeding after I fell down. I can’t even believe I survived that fall. Many people fell unconscious after they tripped down the stairs. Sigh. Never mind.

Well, here I am, lying on the floor with a bump on my head. "I should get to the infirmary after I found my way out of this. The problem is…that stupid nurse." I thought and sighed deeply, still lying down on the solid, cold and hard ground. I was too tired to get up.  My head was suffering in severe pain. But that was just a joke. My head was in pain but nothing serious.

I remained lying on the solid ground, not caring about what will happen next. The dull color of the walls and the coldness of the ground made me sleepy. Without me noticing, I slowly closed my eyes. I released heavy breaths as I enjoyed the pleasing coldness of the ground. It has been a while since I last lied down on the ground. No wonder I was enjoying this coldness, despite having a huge bump on my head.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep but I woke up quickly when I heard a familiar male voice screamed. I was expecting students from these classes will help me but it wasn’t. I didn’t hear the bell rang. Maybe because I was asleep.

I shook my thoughts away and opened my eyes. Something was above my face. It was blurry but I can feel the warm breath he releases.

I mumbled softly when he spoke, “Aika, are you awake?” My eyes grew wide as my vision cleared. I saw Uruha’s face close to mine. Confusion was drawn on his face. He was staring deeply into my eyes. Even his brown eyes were filled with confusion.

"Kyaaa! A brunette rapist! Go away!" I screamed on top of my lungs as I pushed the brunette away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Call me brunette but don’t add the rapist. I’m still a virgin." He laughed.

“Don’t scare me like that.” I pouted. I felt guilty about what I said about him.

"I am the one who’s supposed to say that. What were you doing down there? Were you sleeping?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?"

He sighed deeply. "I thought you fell unconscious. You were sleeping close to the stairs. You shouldn’t really do that. You might freak people out."

“All right. I won’t.”

There was silence for almost a minute. It wasn’t awkward but the place was just quiet. It was only broken when Uruha spoke, “Uh, Aika,” I hummed as an automatic response. "I can see your cycling shorts."

The sentence slowly processed in my head until…

"Uruha, you are such a pervert!" I screamed and covered my cycling shorts with my skirt. That was the most awkward moment I’ve ever had. I didn’t even notice that it was already showing.

"Aika, you’re a girl. You should behave like one." He sighed.

I remained silent. Ever since people bully me, I never cared about how I behave because they’ll just laugh at me. They would make fun of me and if I behave like a girl, for sure those bullies wouldn’t treat me like one so why should I bother?

But right now, everything seemed different. Since I met Uruha, I felt that I really should be conscious about myself since there’s someone who’s concerned about my behavior. I feel happy because I met this person. He was like my guardian angel.

“C’mon, stand up.” He stood in front of me and offered his hand which I immediately took it and stood up. I wiped the dust off my clothes as I looked at Uruha. I smiled and he smiled back.

“Uruha, I already have thought about it.”  

“About what?” He questioned and raised his eyebrow.

“About the position you’re giving me.”

“And what is your answer?” He asked out of curiosity.

My eyes glimmered and my smile widened.

“Yes. I’m going to be the student council vice president.”

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