Chapter 8

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Uruha's POV



Agh. Crap, that totally hurt. But that was really unexpected. I never expected that nerd to be this strong.

"Wow." Kai exclaimed.

I shot him a death glare. "Being punched is wow!?"

Aoi and Ruki's eyes widened. "Kou, what happened to your eye?" Aoi stated. Then all of a sudden, they started to panic. Except Reita.

"Oi Akira, what are you doing?" Ruki demanded but Reita just stood up and leaned against the school gym's wall.

"Reita!" Ruki called.

"I knew this was going to happen." He muttered.


"Wait, wait, wait. I really don't care about what happened to her. And more importantly, what happened to my face!?" I chimed in.

Reita sighed and took his phone from his pocket and placed the black screen in front of my face. I almost threw Reita's phone after I saw my reflection. I had a black eye.

That nerd... I grit my teeth.

I shoved Reita's phone away. He almost dropped it. "Kouyou, what the heck is your problem?"

I stood up and clenched my fists. "I'm gonna get that little runt."

"Please don't tell me that you're gonna get revenge." He facepalmed.

"Oh no, I won't." I said with a sarcastic smile.

"You are getting yourself another black eye by saying that." Aoi nervously chimed in.

I chuckled, "You are such a chicken, Aoi."

Ruki shook his head. "Aoi's right," Then he grinned at me mischievously. "You might lose your fangirls."

I walked towards Ruki and slugged him at the stomach. He groaned and fell on the ground. Both of his hands were holding his stomach which is now in pain.

"What...the...heck...was...that...for?!" He panted and screeched, still holding his painful stomach.

"Like I care for those girls. And are you seriously Ruki or did you switched bodies with Aoi?" I raised an eyebrow to make sure I am speaking to the chibi.

"Yes and no. Yes, this the real Ruki and no, we didn't switch bodies with Aoi." He replied while dusting his clothes. He pointed at Aoi who was starting to frown at the corner.

"What the heck is his problem?" I muttered.

"Why does Uruha have so many fangirls?" He mumbled.

I was attempting to punch Aoi when Kai and Ruki grabbed my arms to stop me. "Let me go! Let me go!" I hissed and growled.

( A/N: Uruha is in Kyohei mode and Aoi's in Ranmaru mode. XD Watch the anime Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge to know the personalities of Kyohei and Ranmaru XD )

"I'm more handsome than Uruha, but why he still gets a lot of girls than me?" I almost puked. I swear, I saw him pout.

"Don't you dare bring my good looks into this! You can have my fangirls, just stop pouting!" I screeched, annoyed. Kai and Ruki were still forcing me from punching Aoi.

The "handsome's" eye glimmered. "Really?" He exclaimed with excitement.

I looked at him, annoyed. "No. Now stop being such a creepy perv and let's go." He frowned again after my statement.

I called the butlers at my house to send us a helicopter. After a few minutes, the helicopter immediately arrived. I walked towards the helicopter while the rest of the guys followed behind me.

"Ruki, can I borrow your sunglasses?" I asked the chibi as I motioned my hand towards him. He took his sunglasses from his secret pocket of his jacket and immediately gave it to me. I wore his round shades (which doesn't suit me at all) and rode the helicopter.

I must cool off before getting revenge.


MikUruha's Note:

Short chapter =w=

Will Uruha get his revenge? :D

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