Chapter 39

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Aika's POV

After the confessions we’ve done, we returned back to the student council room. Uruha asked me if we could be an official couple. My answer?


Oops. I sounded like I rejected him. Teehee.

Not yet. It’s not like that we don’t want to be his girlfriend but my mom advised me that if I will enter the stage of relationships, I mustn’t hurry.

Uruha should take me to dates, court me and of course, heed my wishes. Mom also told me not to be demanding because Uruha would really get annoyed. (He has a short temper, remember?)

And besides, I don’t think he’s an expert when it comes to love. (Please don’t tell Uruha I said that.)

As soon as we returned to the student council room, I saw my bandmates slacking off and Uruha’s bandmates changing clothes. I yelled “KYAAA!” which caught their attention.

I covered my red face because all of the boys (except Uruha) were half naked. Not only that, I could also feel warm liquids gushing out of my nose. Déjà vu-ish? Yes because this incident already happened when I was staying at Uruha’s house.

Everyone stared at me awkwardly while Uruha laughed his ass off. Damn, I seriously want to punch this guy.

“What the hell, Aika?” Uruha laughed continuously.

I glared at him, not caring about my bleeding nose. Then suddenly, his top shirt disappeared…that was just my imagination. But still, it made me dizzy. So dizzy that my blood flowed even harder from my nose and I really looked like a fountain. It didn’t take long for my vision to be enveloped with darkness and collapse.


“When will the game start?” Was that Uruha’s voice?

“About an hour,” I think that was Kai.

I slowly opened my eyes and a white flash blinded me for a second. I blocked the light with my hand and rubbed the sleepiness away from my eyes. I slowly stood up but a pain shot my head.

“Itte,” I groaned, touching my forehead.

“She’s awake.” I heard Kai said. I opened my eyes again and saw the GazettE wearing their basketball jersey uniform. Everyone’s gazes were on mine. I raised an eyebrow and smiled. Unfortunately, my smile is twitching.

“Are you okay now, Aika?” Uruha left Kai and sat beside me. And I also noticed I was wearing my Physical Education shirt.

“What actually happened?” I mumbled, touching my forehead.

“You passed out.” Kai followed Uruha and sat beside me, worried.

“And why are your clothes soaked in blood? It will be really hard for you to remove the stain.” Aoi chimed in, holding my pinkish uniform. I guess Aoi just washed it.

I just suddenly realized what happened earlier. When my nose bled because of a wonder—no, they’re just half naked. And worse, my vision malfunctioned and I just really thought that Uruha’s shirt disappeared. I don’t want to remember that.

My face turned red. Uruha started laughing while Kai and Aoi stared at us.

“Nandemonai yo,” Uruha continued laughing hysterically while I shot daggers at him by eyes.

Gladly, Uruha’s annoying laughing moment was ruined when my bandmates, Ruki and Reita came back. They were carrying tons of plastic bags full of…bottles of bleach?

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