Chapter 34

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Uruha's POV

Aika was still sleeping beside me. She really needs to calm herself down since she was blushing really hard. Guess I made her blush too much by some corny pick-up lines. Well, those weren’t really pick-up lines but those were some friggin’ strategies that could make her speechless.

It looks like she was having a dream. She sure sleeps a lot. She was hugging my pillow, her lips were parted and she was breathing heavily. I brushed the strands away from her face and placed it behind her ear. She sleeps peacefully and that made me smile.

All my life, I regretted that I bullied someone like her. She was too innocent and vulnerable. But then again, if I didn’t bully her, I wouldn’t have met her and I wouldn’t have eventually fall in love with her.

I kept staring at her for god knows how long. At first, I’ve been wondering why I fell in love with this nerd. But now, the answer is in front me. She understands every experience and she’s also caring. She taught me lots of things and she’s really fun to hang out with.

“Hmm…” I heard her mumble and yawned. She stretched and rubbed her eyes.

“Did you sleep a lot?” I asked just to make sure.

“Mh-hmm,” She mumbled and yawned again. “What time is it?”

“It’s 10:30.” Yes, we woke up at 7:00 except, I woke up 1 minute earlier than Aika but then, I said something that made her feelings malfunctioned so, I sang a lullaby so that she could calm herself down. She did calm down but I never expected that she would fall asleep. Was my voice really that calm? Eh, I never even have a talent in singing. Yura is the only one who can sing in this house.

“Did I slept that long?” She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

“Dunno. I fell asleep as well, after calming you down.” No offense. I did fell asleep. Her sleepiness was contagious. But then again, I woke up earlier than her but this time, it was 3 minutes before 10:30.

“Anyway, did somebody tell mom that I stayed here overnight?” She sat up properly, wrapping her arms around her knees.

“Yep. Yura called your mom and she said it’s okay.” I smiled.

“Wait…how come you know? Didn’t we fell asleep on each other’s shoulders yesterday?”

I laughed, “If I didn’t woke up, we would’ve still found ourselves on the couch.”

“I guess you have a point. But who woke you up?”

“Who else,” I sighed, “my very annoying imouto.”

She giggled, “Aren’t you happy about that?”

I grumbled, “No. She ruined our sweet moment.”

“If I were you, I will be happy about that. If she didn’t wake you up, we would still be in a state of uncomfortable position.”

I frowned. “So, you’re uncomfortable when you’re around with me?”

She laughed. “No. I didn’t say that I’m uncomfortable when I’m with you. I said position.”

“It’s true though.”

I stood up and stretched. Then I went to my closet and took my towel that was hanging on the handle of the door of the closet. “I’m gonna take a shower.” I informed Aika while scratching my head.

“The shower room is this way. I’m pretty sure you will notice it once I’ll enter.” I pointed at the door near the overly huge window. She nodded and stood up. Then she started fixing my bed while I went inside the shower room and did my friggin’ business.

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